Angular 6 - Dynamic Routing with Prefix

点点圈 提交于 2020-01-02 04:35:17


I am working on an Angular Universal Application. I want to create dynamic routes with custom prefix but I am unable find any helpful documentation related with my case. Any Help will be appreciated...


What I have is, I have 4 pages with 4 different dynamic URLs which are:

  • Home Page (
  • Category Page ({category_name})
  • Sub Category Page ({category_name}/{sub_category_name})
  • Product Page ({product_id}-{product_name})
  • User Page ({user_id}-{user_name})

What I did

I have registered a single route to handle Home, Category and Sub Category Pages because they have same UI with dynamic category levels mentioned below,

      {path: '**', component: HomeComponent, data: {title: 'Home', description: 'Homepage - quick overview.'}}


Now, I am unable to add the routes for Product and User Page, I am unable to understand, how to add p and user prefixs after slash and before ids in Product and User Pages respectively. Without these prefixs, routing is working fine.

Examples of Required URLs for Product & User Pages

  • Product Page (
  • User Page (

I am using @angular/router for routing.

Thanks in advance.


Thanks, @Yuriy to reopen this, I have already got the answer from @Ingo Bürk's comment. The below mentioned Gist helped me to create routes through the regex.

For reference, I have added the source below,

 * Copyright (c) Matan Shukry
 * All rights reserved.

import { UrlSegment, UrlSegmentGroup, Route } from '@angular/router';

// export type UrlMatchResult = {
    // consumed: UrlSegment[]; posParams?: { [name: string]: UrlSegment };
// };

export function ComplexUrlMatcher(paramName: string, regex: RegExp) {
    return (
        segments: UrlSegment[],
        segmentGroup: UrlSegmentGroup,
        route: Route) => {

        const parts = [regex];
        const posParams: { [key: string]: UrlSegment } = {};
        const consumed: UrlSegment[] = [];

        let currentIndex = 0;

        for (let i = 0; i < parts.length; ++i) {
            if (currentIndex >= segments.length) {
                return null;
            const current = segments[currentIndex];

            const part = parts[i];
            if (!part.test(current.path)) {
                return null;

            posParams[paramName] = current;

        if (route.pathMatch === 'full' &&
            (segmentGroup.hasChildren() || currentIndex < segments.length)) {
            return null;

        return { consumed, posParams };

How to use,

 * Copyright (c) Matan Shukry
 * All rights reserved.

export const UserRoutes: Routes = [
    path: 'users',
    component: UserComponent,
    children: [
        path: '',
        component: UserListComponent
        matcher: ComplexUrlMatcher("id", /[0-9]+/),
        component: UserItemComponent

  imports: [RouterModule.forChild(UserRoutes)],
  exports: [RouterModule]
export class UserRoutingModule { }


Generally a router needs to be able to match a certain input string (url) to a given pattern (route). You want to make sure that a single input does not match multiple patterns, otherwise the router will not know which way to move forward.

That being said, Angular has the concept of a [RouteGuard][1]. A RouteGuard (or any of its derivatives) gives hook into the routing process when a url is matched to a given route.


You can use "matcher".


I hope it helped. Enjoy!


To create{product_id}-{product_name}, we could break the product_id segment as :product_id and product_name segment as :product_name. Then you need to head to your app.routing.js routing file and set the url as:

{ path: '', component: ProductComponent } 

