
Passing dynamic javascript variable as url in template

走远了吗. 提交于 2020-06-29 03:41:15
问题 I am trying to create a dynamic url in javascript to pass to my html template. In my js, I've got: // dynamic url to edit flashcard function createDynamicURL() { //The variable to be returned var URL; //The variables containing the respective IDs var cardID= cards.cards[current_card].id //this is defined earlier //Forming the variable to return URL-="study/[1-9][0-9]/"; URL+="card-edit/"; URL+=cardID; return URL; } And in my template I have: <a id="edit-button" class="btn btn-default btn

Angular 6 - Dynamic Routing with Prefix

点点圈 提交于 2020-01-02 04:35:17
问题 I am working on an Angular Universal Application. I want to create dynamic routes with custom prefix but I am unable find any helpful documentation related with my case. Any Help will be appreciated... Details: What I have is, I have 4 pages with 4 different dynamic URLs which are: Home Page ( http://example.com/ ) Category Page ( http://example.com/{category_name} ) Sub Category Page ( http://example.com/{category_name}/{sub_category_name} ) Product Page ( http://example.com/p{product_id}-

PHP - Switch case & _GET and Dynamic URL creation

做~自己de王妃 提交于 2019-12-13 03:49:40
问题 What I have in my index page: if(isset($_GET['d']) && $_GET['d']!="" ){ switch ($_GET['d']) { case 'singlerequests': ViewSingleRequests(); break; } I have a sidebar menu in which I call cases like index.php?d=singlerequests , this saves me from creating a new php file every link i want to have in the file. What I want to do: I created a page, in which I am listing multiple rows of date. My data row has multiple columns so instead of showing all data with all columns on that page, I will only

Laravel 5 conditional routing and multiple controllers

大兔子大兔子 提交于 2019-12-13 02:17:00
问题 So basically my app has two types of dynamic url.. app.com/{page} app.com/{user} Both having their own controllers PageController@index User\ProfileController@index But I'm struggling to get this working. I have tried a few different methods. Here are two I have tried.. Route::get('{slug}', function($slug) { if (App\Page::where('slug', $slug)->count()) { // return redirect()->action('PageController@index', [$slug]); // return App::make('App\Http\Controllers\PageController', [$slug])->index();

have different static url in dynamic page

╄→尐↘猪︶ㄣ 提交于 2019-12-12 01:33:11
问题 I have a website where each person has his personal profile. I would like to have static URL like mywebsite/user1 , mywebsite/user2 , but actually I would remain in the same page and change the content dynamically. A reason is that when I open the site I ask to a database some data, and I don't want to ask it each time I change page. I don't like url like mywebsite?user=1 Is there a solution? Thank you [EDIT better explenation] I have a dynamic page that shows the user profile of my website.

RegEx for Dynamic URL Goals settings

房东的猫 提交于 2019-12-11 06:12:51
问题 I have tried to work this RegEx to set up a goal in GA for 2 days, but I cannot get my head around it... The URL format is like this: /purchase.php?cDd=1&transaction_id=xxxxxxx&verify=xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx=&method=creditcard&type=purchase transaction_id= is populated with a sept of numbers verify= is populated by a string of numbers, letters in both caps and lower case Basically I would like to only match URLs which finish by &method=creditcard&type=purchase I have tried to just put &method

How to download a PDF from a dynamic URL in a webview

这一生的挚爱 提交于 2019-12-08 04:29:56
问题 The URL to the PDF on the server is: https://xyz.abc.com/qwer/leterpdf?Key=43,1&AppId=9520&usecaseID=195 Not ending with .pdf extension. How do I download this in a WebView? 回答1: Depending on the technology you are using on server side, you can download a file forcing it passing appropriate headers. Like i am using PHP in my case & do it like this- $filepath = "pdfs/android.pdf"; $length = filesize($filepath); header('Content-type: application/pdf'); header('Content-Disposition: inline;

Building dynamic URL using 'a href'

时光毁灭记忆、已成空白 提交于 2019-12-07 13:23:34
问题 I am using spring-3.2 version. @RequestMapping("/company={companyId}/branch={branchId}/employee={employeeId}/info") The requestmapping is used to map a URL, so in this case when ever a URL is called using <a href="company=1/branch=1/employee=1/info" > employee info </a> the method is called in the controller with the exact @RequestMapping annotation, now I want to create the "a href" tag dynamically and want to create companyId,branchId,or employeeId dynamically. 回答1: You could of course

How to download a PDF from a dynamic URL in a webview

心不动则不痛 提交于 2019-12-06 15:46:27
The URL to the PDF on the server is: https://xyz.abc.com/qwer/leterpdf?Key=43,1&AppId=9520&usecaseID=195 Not ending with .pdf extension. How do I download this in a WebView? Depending on the technology you are using on server side, you can download a file forcing it passing appropriate headers. Like i am using PHP in my case & do it like this- $filepath = "pdfs/android.pdf"; $length = filesize($filepath); header('Content-type: application/pdf'); header('Content-Disposition: inline; filename="android.pdf"'); header('Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary'); header('Accept-Ranges: bytes'); header(