Row-by-row fillna with respect to a specific column?

久未见 提交于 2020-01-01 18:19:32


I have the following pandas dataframe and I would like to fill the NaNs in columns A-C in a row-wise fashion with values from columns D. Is there an explicit way to do this where I can define that all the NaNs should depend row-wise on values in column D? I couldn't find a way to explicitly do this in fillna().

Note that there are additional columns E-Z which have their own NaNs and may have other rules for filling in NaNs, and should be left untouched.

A        B        C        D       E
158      158      158      177     ...  
158      158      158      177     ...
NaN      NaN      NaN      177     ...   
158      158      158      177     ...
NaN      NaN      NaN      177     ...  

Would like to have this for columns A-C only:

A        B        C        D       E
158      158      158      177     ...  
158      158      158      177     ...
177      177      177      177     ...   
158      158      158      177     ...
177      177      177      177     ...  



Using the fillna function:

df.fillna(axis=1, method='backfill')

will do if there are no NaN's in the other columns.
If there are and you want to leave them untouched, I think the only option in this way is to perform the fillna on a subset of your dataframe. With example dataframe:

In [45]: df
     A    B    C    D   E   F
0  158  158  158  177   1  10
1  158  158  158  177   2  20
2  NaN  NaN  NaN  177   3  30
3  158  158  158  177 NaN  40
4  NaN  NaN  NaN  177   5  50

In [48]: df[['A', 'B', 'C', 'D']] = df[['A', 'B', 'C', 'D']].fillna(axis=1, method='backfill')

In [49]: df
     A    B    C    D   E   F
0  158  158  158  177   1  10
1  158  158  158  177   2  20
2  177  177  177  177   3  30
3  158  158  158  177 NaN  40
4  177  177  177  177   5  50

Udate: If you don't want to depend on the column order, you can also specify the values to use to fill for each row (like .fillna(value=df['D']). The only problem is that this only works for Series (when it is a dataframe, it tries to map the different values to fill to the different columns, not the rows). So with an apply to do it column by column, it works:

In [60]: df[['A', 'B', 'C']].apply(lambda x: x.fillna(value=df['D']))
     A    B    C
0  158  158  158
1  158  158  158
2  177  177  177
3  158  158  158
4  177  177  177

