I have many immutable value type classes, for example EmailAddress
, which ensure any non null instance is valid. I would like to control the serialization of these types of objects to be just the standard string representation ("123@abc.com"
) when persisted using MongoDB C# Driver.
I have tried implementing the IBsonSerilizer
however it will only allow for objects or arrays at the root level. I was able to implement proper Json Serilization with Json.NET, is there a different approach I should be taking?
I assume you mean an EmailAddress class something like this:
public class EmailAddress
private string _value;
public EmailAddress(string value)
_value = value;
public string Value
get { return _value; }
I've used an attribute to link the EmailAddress class to a custom serializer, which could be implemented like this:
public class EmailAddressSerializer : BsonBaseSerializer
public override object Deserialize(BsonReader bsonReader, Type nominalType, Type actualType, IBsonSerializationOptions options)
if (bsonReader.GetCurrentBsonType() == BsonType.Null)
return null;
var value = bsonReader.ReadString();
return new EmailAddress(value);
public override void Serialize(BsonWriter bsonWriter, Type nominalType, object value, IBsonSerializationOptions options)
if (value == null)
var emailAddress = (EmailAddress)value;
You can't serialize an EmailAddress as the root document (because it's not a document...). But you could use an EmailAddress embedded in some other document. For example:
public class Person
public int Id { get; set; }
public EmailAddress EmailAddress { get; set; }
Which you could test using code like the following:
var person = new Person { Id = 1, EmailAddress = new EmailAddress("joe@xyz.com") };
var json = person.ToJson();
var rehyrdated = BsonSerializer.Deserialize<Person>(json);
The resulting JSON/BSON document is:
{ "_id" : 1, "EmailAddress" : "joe@xyz.com" }
I have tried to solve this problem by creating a convention that map all read only properties that match a constructor and also the matched constructor.
Assume that you have a class like:
public class Person
public string FirstName { get; }
public string LastName { get; }
public string FullName => FirstName + LastName;
public ImmutablePocoSample(string lastName)
LastName = lastName;
public ImmutablePocoSample(string firstName, string lastName)
FirstName = firstName;
LastName = lastName;
Here is the code of the convention:
/// <summary>
/// A convention that map all read only properties for which a matching constructor is found.
/// Also matching constructors are mapped.
/// </summary>
public class ImmutablePocoConvention : ConventionBase, IClassMapConvention
private readonly BindingFlags _bindingFlags;
public ImmutablePocoConvention()
: this(BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public)
{ }
public ImmutablePocoConvention(BindingFlags bindingFlags)
_bindingFlags = bindingFlags | BindingFlags.DeclaredOnly;
public void Apply(BsonClassMap classMap)
var readOnlyProperties = classMap.ClassType.GetTypeInfo()
.Where(p => IsReadOnlyProperty(classMap, p))
foreach (var constructor in classMap.ClassType.GetConstructors())
// If we found a matching constructor then we map it and all the readonly properties
var matchProperties = GetMatchingProperties(constructor, readOnlyProperties);
if (matchProperties.Any())
// Map constructor
// Map properties
foreach (var p in matchProperties)
private static List<PropertyInfo> GetMatchingProperties(ConstructorInfo constructor, List<PropertyInfo> properties)
var matchProperties = new List<PropertyInfo>();
var ctorParameters = constructor.GetParameters();
foreach (var ctorParameter in ctorParameters)
var matchProperty = properties.FirstOrDefault(p => ParameterMatchProperty(ctorParameter, p));
if (matchProperty == null)
return new List<PropertyInfo>();
return matchProperties;
private static bool ParameterMatchProperty(ParameterInfo parameter, PropertyInfo property)
return string.Equals(property.Name, parameter.Name, System.StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)
&& parameter.ParameterType == property.PropertyType;
private static bool IsReadOnlyProperty(BsonClassMap classMap, PropertyInfo propertyInfo)
// we can't read
if (!propertyInfo.CanRead)
return false;
// we can write (already handled by the default convention...)
if (propertyInfo.CanWrite)
return false;
// skip indexers
if (propertyInfo.GetIndexParameters().Length != 0)
return false;
// skip overridden properties (they are already included by the base class)
var getMethodInfo = propertyInfo.GetMethod;
if (getMethodInfo.IsVirtual && getMethodInfo.GetBaseDefinition().DeclaringType != classMap.ClassType)
return false;
return true;
You can register i using:
new ConventionPack { new ImmutablePocoConvention() },
_ => true);
After I read the answer of @Davide Icardi I found out there is built in convention to use immutable objects.
Just register the convention
new ConventionPack { new ImmutableTypeClassMapConvention()}, type => true);