I am creating an App that is playing a video (as splash screen) but I am confused which are the correct sizes for each different screen.
I have already checked a lot of answers (this link was indeed helpful but still not clear) and official documentations but it is still confusing me.
I created the following folders:raw-ldpi, raw-mdpi, raw-hdpi, raw-xhdpi, raw-xxhdpi, raw-xxxhdpi
BUT what are the correct video sizes for each of the above different folder?
For example for raw-ldpi
what are the correct video dimensions? (i.e 240 x 360)
I found out the following resolutions from this site and this official documentation but I am not sure if those are the correct.
If someone knows or has experience with please let me know.
320 x 240
640 x 480
720 x 480
1280 x 720
1920 x 1080