I am using AFNetworking in my iOS app and for all the GET requests it makes, I build the url from a base URL and than add parameters using NSDictionary Key-Value pairs.
The problem is that I need same key for different values.
Here is an example of what I need the finally URL to look like -
It's not possible in NSDictionary to have different values in same keys. So I tried NSSet but did not work.
let productIDSet: Set = [prodIDArray]
let paramDict = NSMutableDictionary()
paramDict.setObject(productIDSet, forKey: "id")
All you need is NSURLComponents
. The basic idea is to create a bunch of query items for your id's. Here's code you can paste into a playground:
import UIKit
import XCPlayground
let queryItems = [NSURLQueryItem(name: "id", value: "2121"), NSURLQueryItem(name: "id", value: "3232")]
let urlComps = NSURLComponents(string: "www.apple.com/help")!
urlComps.queryItems = queryItems
let URL = urlComps.URL!
XCPlaygroundPage.currentPage.captureValue(URL.absoluteString, withIdentifier: "URL")
You should see an output of
It can add the QueryItem to your existing URL.
extension URL {
func appending(_ queryItem: String, value: String?) -> URL {
guard var urlComponents = URLComponents(string: absoluteString) else { return absoluteURL }
// Create array of existing query items
var queryItems: [URLQueryItem] = urlComponents.queryItems ?? []
// Create query item
let queryItem = URLQueryItem(name: queryItem, value: value)
// Append the new query item in the existing query items array
// Append updated query items array in the url component object
urlComponents.queryItems = queryItems
// Returns the url from new url components
return urlComponents.url!
How to use
var url = URL(string: "https://www.example.com")!
let finalURL = url.appending("test", value: "123")
.appending("test2", value: nil)
func queryString(_ value: String, params: [String: String]) -> String? {
var components = URLComponents(string: value)
components?.queryItems = params.map { element in URLQueryItem(name: element.key, value: element.value) }
return components?.url?.absoluteString
An URL extension to append query items, similar to Bhuvan Bhatt idea, but with a different signature:
- it can detect failures (by returning
instead ofself
), thus allowing custom handling of cases where the URL is not RFC 3986 compliant for instance. - it allows nil values, by actually passing any query items as parameters.
- for performance, it allows passing multiple query items at a time.
extension URL {
/// Returns a new URL by adding the query items, or nil if the URL doesn't support it.
/// URL must conform to RFC 3986.
func appending(_ queryItems: [URLQueryItem]) -> URL? {
guard var urlComponents = URLComponents(url: self, resolvingAgainstBaseURL: true) else {
// URL is not conforming to RFC 3986 (maybe it is only conforming to RFC 1808, RFC 1738, and RFC 2732)
return nil
// append the query items to the existing ones
urlComponents.queryItems = (urlComponents.queryItems ?? []) + queryItems
// return the url from new url components
return urlComponents.url
let url = URL(string: "https://example.com/...")!
let queryItems = [URLQueryItem(name: "id", value: nil),
URLQueryItem(name: "id", value: "22"),
URLQueryItem(name: "id", value: "33")]
let newUrl = url.appending(queryItems)!
private func tellServerSomething(_ d: String, _ s: String) {
var c = URLComponents(string: "https://you.com/info")
c?.queryItems = [
URLQueryItem(name: "description", value: d),
URLQueryItem(name: "summary", value: s)
guard let u = c?.url else { return print("url fail") }
do {
let r = try String(contentsOf: u)
print("Server response \(r)")
catch { return print("comms fail") }
Percent-encoding and everything else is handled.
In Swift Forming URL with multiple params
func rateConversionURL(with array: [String]) -> URL? {
var components = URLComponents()
components.scheme = "https"
components.host = "example.com"
components.path = "/hello/"
components.queryItems = array.map { URLQueryItem(name: "value", value: $0)}
return components.url
Extending on the extension ideas above, this was more useful in my case:
extension URL {
func appendParameters( params: Parameters) -> URL? {
var components = URLComponents(string: self.absoluteString)
components?.queryItems = params.map { element in URLQueryItem(name: element.key, value: element.value as? String) }
return components?.url
let queryParams: [String: String] = [
"search": "top repos",
"returnCount": "10"
let api = "https://api.github.com"
let url = URL(string: api)?.appendParameters(params: queryParams)
I guess u just have to do something like this:
let params = ["id" : [1, 2, 3, 4], ...];
which will be encoded into: ....id%5B%5D=1&id%5B%5D=2&id%5B%5D=3&id%5B%5D=4....