GoogleApiClient is throwing “GoogleApiClient is not connected yet” AFTER onConnected function getting called

谁说我不能喝 提交于 2019-12-27 12:19:09


So i found something that is not very clear for me about GoogleApiClient. GoogleApiClient has a function called onConnected which is ran when the client is connected (for sure)

I got my own function called: startLocationListening which is eventually getting called on GoogleApiClient's onConnected function.

So my startLocationListening function couldnt ran without a GoogleApiClient connection.

Code and log:

public void onConnected(Bundle bundle) {
    startLocationListening(); //Exception caught inside this function


private void startLocationListening() {

    //Exception caught here below:
    LocationServices.FusedLocationApi.requestLocationUpdates(mGoogleApiClient, mLocationRequest, this);

The exception is:

03-30 12:23:28.947: E/AndroidRuntime(4936):     java.lang.IllegalStateException: GoogleApiClient is not connected yet.
03-30 12:23:28.947: E/AndroidRuntime(4936):     at Source)
03-30 12:23:28.947: E/AndroidRuntime(4936):     at Source)
03-30 12:23:28.947: E/AndroidRuntime(4936):     at Source)
03-30 12:23:28.947: E/AndroidRuntime(4936):     at
03-30 12:23:28.947: E/AndroidRuntime(4936):     at


My debug log also says the onConnected function got called:

03-30 12:23:28.847: I/Locationing_GpsService(4936): Google_Api_Client:connected.
03-30 12:23:28.857: I/Locationing_GpsService(4936): initLocationRequest:initing_now
03-30 12:23:28.877: I/Locationing_GpsService(4936): initLocationRequest:interval_5000
03-30 12:23:28.897: I/Locationing_GpsService(4936): initLocationRequest:priority_100
03-30 12:23:28.917: I/Locationing_GpsService(4936): Starting_location_listening:now

After this i got the exception.

Am I missing something here? I got a response for "connected" i ran my func, and i got the error "not connected" whats this? Plus one annoying thing is: I used this location service for weeks now and never got this error.

E D I T :

I added a more specific log output, just blown my mind, check this out:

    public void onConnected(Bundle bundle) {

            log("Google_Api_Client: It was connected on (onConnected) function, working as it should.");
            log("Google_Api_Client: It was NOT connected on (onConnected) function, It is definetly bugged.");


log output in this case:

03-30 16:20:00.950: I/Locationing_GpsService(16608): Google_Api_Client:connected.
03-30 16:20:00.960: I/Locationing_GpsService(16608): Google_Api_Client: It was NOT connected on (onConnected) function, It is definetly bugged.

Yes, i just got mGoogleApiClient.isConnected() == false inside onConnected() how is it possible?

E D I T:

Since nobody could answer this even with reputation bounty, i decided to report this as a bug to Google. What next came was really surprised me. Google's official answer for my report:

"This website is for developer issues with the AOSP Android source code and the developer toolset, not Google apps or services such as Play services, GMS or Google APIs. Unfortunately there doesn't seem to be an appropriate place to report bugs with Play Services. All I can say is that this website isn't it, sorry. Try posting on the Google Product Forums instead. "

Full issue report here. (I hope they wont remove it just because its silly)

So yeah i took a look at Google Product Forums and just coudnt find any topic to post this thing, so at the moment Iam puzzled and stuck.

Does anyobody in planet earth could help me with this?

E D I T:

Full code in pastebin


I just noticed that you are creating the googleApiClient in onStartCommand(). This seems like a bad idea.

Let's say that your service gets triggered twice. Two googleApiClient objects will get created, but you'll only have reference to one. If the one whose reference you don't have executes its callback to onConnected(), you will be connected in that client but the client whose reference you actually do have could still be unconnected.

I suspect that's what's going on. Try moving your googleApiClient creation to onCreate and see if you get the same behavior.


I had the same error, but my problem was different from iheanyl's answer:

I had declared the googleApiClient static. This prevented android from shutting down the service.


I had this problem to and I solved it with declaring googleApiClient as static object


You should instantiate a client object in your Activity's onCreate(Bundle) method and then call connect() in onStart() and disconnect() in onStop(), regardless of the state.

The implementation of the GoogleApiClient appears designed for only a single instance. It's best to instantiate it only once in onCreate, then perform connections and disconnections using the single instance.


call connect() method in onStart()method

       protected void onStart() {

           // Call GoogleApiClient connection when starting the Activity

       protected void onStop() {

           // Disconnect GoogleApiClient when stopping Activity


I think I found the root of the problem and it has nothing to do with the API. I have faced this issued every time I install the app. By the way just like the most popular comment I only have one googleApiClient upon pause and resume. What I noticed is that the permission request to get geolocation access pops up. As you know in your activity this is going to turn into a pause, and once the popup is gone it resumes your activity. Most likely your googleClient is also chained to those events to disconnect and connect. You can tell there is no connection once the permission is accepted and you are about to perform the googleApiClient task.


                .subscribe(granted -> {

                 if (granted) {
                        //here it could be client is already disconnected!!     
                    } else {
                        // Oups permission denied

You can skip disconnecting and connecting as you set a flag which is true before permission and once the googleApiClient task is completed or granted is false.

        isRequestingPermission = true;
                .subscribe(granted -> {
                    if (granted && googleApiClient.isConnected()) {
                        //Once the task succeeds or fails set flag to false
                        //at _geolocateAddress
                    } else {
                        // Oups permission denied
                        isRequestingPermission = false;

We could also split doing permission alone, and if granted then make the task call. Ok, I am going to confess I am using a fragment, and I reinstalled the app even rotated the screen on permissions and once granted, the result showed up. I hope this helps other people.

  • You don't have to uninstall the app. Simply go to setting/application manager/your app/ permissions and turn any off, then test the app again.


I had this issue when I accidentaly but googleApiClient.connect() in oncreate and onresume. Just removed it from oncreate.


moving the googleApi creation to onCreate resolved the issue for me.

