DropBox sync api for iOS not call observer when download images

和自甴很熟 提交于 2019-12-25 18:26:52


Hi i am using DBX sync api to sync my app datas and download images from DBX. Before i used core api for download images it works fine. But core and sync apis wont work together. So i switched to sync api for download files also but now download images with progress observer not called. this is my observer code.

DBFile *orignalImg = [[DBFilesystem sharedFilesystem]openFile:imgPath error:nil];
                NSLog(@" -----> %@, %i , %@", orignalImg,orignalImg.status.state,  imgInfo.imgPath);

                __weak DBFile *oFile = orignalImg;

                [orignalImg addObserver:self block:^(void)
                    if (fileStatus.cached) // if image downloaded
                       //save image
                    else if (fileStatus.state == DBFileStateDownloading) // show progress bar


I tried this code DBFile is returned from openfile method but observer is not called.


Assuming you are using ARC, as soon as the local variable orignalImg goes out of scope it will be deallocated preventing it from doing anything.

You need to maintain a reference to the DBFile instance for as long as you wish to observe it. Making it an instance variable is one option.


I have had the same problem, the observer did not work when I took a file from cloud. After looking at the examples in SDK and found solution.

dispatch_async(dispatch_get_global_queue(DISPATCH_QUEUE_PRIORITY_BACKGROUND, 0), ^() {
        DBPath *db_path = [[DBPath root] childPath:<YOUR_FILE_NAME>];
        DBError *err;
        DBFileInfo *file_info = [[DBFilesystem sharedFilesystem] fileInfoForPath:db_path error:&err];
        if (file_info) {
               dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^() {
                    NSLog(@"file existed %@", file_info);
                    DBError *err2;
                    DBFile *db_file = [[DBFilesystem sharedFilesystem] openFile:db_path error:&err2];
                    __weak id weakFile = db_file;                           
                    if (![[db_file status]cached]) {
                       [db_file addObserver:self block:^{
                            //....get progress, status and do your logic here

