I made an asp.net web site in which i put a jquery accordion. My Problem is that after a postback or a refresh, the current accordion pane closes and the page resets every things. This is my jQuery code :
jQuery(document).ready(function () {
function close_accordion_section() {
jQuery('.accordion .accordion-section-content').slideUp(300).removeClass('open');
jQuery('.button').click(function (e) {
var currentAttrValue = jQuery(this).attr('href');
if (jQuery(e.target).is('.active')) {
else {
jQuery('.accordion ' + currentAttrValue).slideDown(300).addClass('open');
document.getElementById('.accordion ' + currentAttrValue).scrollIntoView();
What can i do to keep my accordion pane opened after a postback or refresh ? Thanks in Advance
The problem you are facing is because after postback asp.net refreshes the whole page. Solutions for that would be:
- Use UpdatePanel for the places you want to update http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/system.web.ui.updatepanel(v=vs.110).aspx that will prevent the PostBack from refreshing your page
- Include information in the postback which accordion is currently open and open it
- either from asp.net backend
- or from javascript with ClientScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this.GetType(), "AKey", "MyFunction('paramToOpenTab');", true);
Thanks it workes with UpdatePanel; This is the solution :
<div id="accordion-1" class="accordion-section-content">
<asp:ScriptManager EnablePartialRendering="true" ID="ScriptManager1" runat="server"></asp:ScriptManager>
<asp:UpdatePanel ID="UpdatePanel1" runat="server" UpdateMode="Conditional">
<table style="width:100%; height: 600px;" border="1">
<td><asp:Button ID="btnChercher" runat="server" Text="Chercher" onclick="btn_Chercher"></asp:Button></td>
Test 1</td>
<asp:Chart ID="ChartDate" runat=server>
<asp:Legend Alignment="Center" Docking="Top" IsTextAutoFit="False" Name="Default" LegendStyle="Row" />
<asp:Series Name="Nombre documents"></asp:Series>
<ChartAreas><asp:ChartArea Name="ChartArea1"></asp:ChartArea></ChartAreas>
Test 3</td>
<asp:Chart ID="ChartEtat" runat=server>
<asp:Legend Alignment="Center" Docking="Top" IsTextAutoFit="False" Name="Default" LegendStyle="Row" />
<asp:Series Name="Etat"></asp:Series>
<ChartAreas><asp:ChartArea Name="ChartAreaHlm"></asp:ChartArea></ChartAreas>
Test 5</td>
<asp:Chart ID="ChartFormulaire" runat=server>
<asp:Legend Alignment="Center" Docking="Top" IsTextAutoFit="False" Name="Default" LegendStyle="Row" />
<asp:Series Name="Formulaire"></asp:Series>
<ChartAreas><asp:ChartArea Name="ChartAreaFormulaire"></asp:ChartArea></ChartAreas>
Thank you n0mercy