Elasticsearch Autocomplete - Completion suggestion from dot & whitespace for matching input

本秂侑毒 提交于 2019-12-25 08:15:11


I am trying to create auto-complete suggest based on title (string as "Hunter Game", "Hunter", "HunterGame", "Hunter-Game") and package name (string as "az.com.hsz.hunter.game", "az.com.hsz.hunter-game", "az.com.hsz.hunter_game", "az.com.hsz.hunterGame").

Mapping is as follow:

  "app-search-test": {
    "mappings": {
      "package": {
         {"title": {
            "type": "string",
            "analyzer": "autocomplete"
          "package_name": {
            "type": "string"
          "title-suggest": {
            "type": "completion",
            "analyzer": "simple",
            "payloads": true,
            "preserve_separators": false,
            "preserve_position_increments": true,
            "max_input_length": 50

Document with Suggestion String is:

    "title": "HUnter Game",
    "package_name": "az.com.hsz.hunter.game",
    "title-suggest": {
                "output": "Hunter Game",
                "input": "[az.com.hsz.hunter.game, Hunter Game]",
                "payload": {
                  "package_name": "az.com.hsz.hunter.game",
                  "icon": "<some-url>",
                  "developer": "Vish",
                  "id": "az.com.hsz.hunter.game",
                  "title": "Hunter Game"

Index Setting:

"analysis": {
          "filter": {
            "words_splitter": {
              "type": "word_delimiter",
              "preserve_original": "true",
              "catenate_all": "true"
            "ngram": {
              "type": "ngram",
              "min_gram": "2",
              "max_gram": "15"
          "analyzer": {
            "autocomplete": {
              "type": "custom",
              "filter": [
              "tokenizer": "keyword"

I am expecting to get suggestion Hunter Game, for query az.com.hsz.hunter.game or Hunter Game, which is either by title or package name. But for document with input "input": "[az.com.hsz.hunter.game, Hunter Game]" , getting expected suggetion for first input value az.com.hsz.hunter.game not with second Hunter Game. If input is reversed "input": "[Hunter Game, az.com.hsz.hunter.game]" suggestion working for Hunter Game, but not with az.com.hsz.hunter.game.

How make it work?


I think by accidently you are making input a whole string rather than list of strings.

"input": ["az.com.hsz.hunter.game", "Hunter Game"]

will work.

currently "[az.com.hsz.hunter.game, Hunter Game]" is considered one string and hence you get back the result according to whatever is the first character.

