What is the advantage of Lucene searching and indexing?

你离开我真会死。 提交于 2019-12-25 04:15:13


I want to know , What is the advantage of Lucene searching and indexing ?

Is searching with Lucene as fast as other searching algorithm like Quick Search? What about indexing ?

I want to know more about advantage of Lucene rather that others .

thanks .


I believe you want us to compare two incomparable things. Quick Search is a string search algorithm, meant to find a string in a long text document.

Lucene is a search library, meant to index and search a collection of documents, ranking the results as it goes.

A more reasonable comparison is of Lucene versus other search libraries. Here's one such comparison.

If you provide some background about your intended application, the SO community may be able to recommend, first an approach, and then a specific software tool inside that approach.


You should google inverted index and search engines to get a better idea of Lucene.

Lucene is a very popular search engine library, with an active community and a host of real world implementations (battle tested).If you are looking to build a search engine, Lucene (or Solr - which is built around Lucene) should be at the top of your list.

