I have a data grid that allows multiple selection and deletion feature. I have a delete endpoint from my api;
DELETE http://localhost:8888/api/audit/id
And this is the action creator;
export function deleteAudit(audits, callback) {
let count = 0;
console.log("selected audits", audits);
const deleteItem = (auditId) => {
console.log("deleting..", auditId);
const endpoint = `http://localhost:8888/api/audit/${auditId}`;
const req = Axios.delete(endpoint, callback);
return (dispatch) => {
req.then(res => {
if (res.status == HttpStatus.OK) {
console.log("deleted", auditId);
count += 1;
if (audits[count] != null) {
else {
console.log("all deleted heading to callback");
dispatch({type:DELETE_AUDIT, payload: audits});
As my endpoint just allows one item deletion at a time, I used a recursive function to make calls successively. However, this ain't work properly when ignore using async(thunk) approach, it was not refreshing list with new state. After adding the thunk dispatch method it only deletes the first selection, so I get completely lost. What is the right way to achieve this?
The problem was, I didn't import the redux-thunk
package, after importing it, as @Tho Vu pointing out on axios, I have changed my code as follows;
export const deleteAudit = (audits, callback) => {
const request = axios.all(_.map(audits, (audit) =>
return (dispatch) => {
request.then(axios.spread((a, f) => {
dispatch({type:DELETE_AUDIT, payload:audits});
})).then(() => {
function deleteItem(id) {
const endpoint = `http://localhost:8888/api/audit/${id}`;
return axios.delete(endpoint);