FPDF Display Data From Database Outside The Table Doesn't Work

流过昼夜 提交于 2019-12-25 01:54:21


I'm displaying a data outside and inside the table. When I tried to call the data on inside the table, it works perfectly fine but when I call it outside, it suddenly doesn't show. This part right here...

$pdf->MultiCell(194,4,"STORM SURGE INFORMATION",0,'C', false);
$pdf->Cell(191,4,"STORM SURGE: WARNING # ",0,0,'C');

$pdf->Cell(172,4,"FOR: TYPHOON ",0,0,'C');

$pdf->Cell(175,4,"ISSUED AT ",0,0,'C');

My PDF currently look like this.

Can somebody help me figure out what is wrong or missing with my codes?



$sql="SELECT * FROM table ORDER BY ssh REGEXP '^[^A-Za-z0-9]' ASC, ssh DESC";

$fetch = $records[0];


class PDF extends FPDF{
  function Header(){
  function Footer(){

$pdf = new PDF('p', 'mm', 'Legal');
$title = 'Storm Surge Warning';


$pdf->SetFont('Arial', 'B', 10);

$pdf->MultiCell(194,4,"STORM SURGE INFORMATION",0,'C', false);
$pdf->Cell(191,4,"STORM SURGE: WARNING # ",0,0,'C');

$pdf->Cell(172,4,"FOR: TYPHOON ",0,0,'C');

$pdf->Cell(175,4,"ISSUED AT ",0,0,'C');


$pdf->SetBorders(array('LT', 'LT', 'LT', 'LT', 'TLR'));
$pdf->SetWidths(array(25, 27, 35, 54, 53));
$pdf->SetAligns(array('C', 'C', 'C', 'L', 'L'));

$pdf->SetFont('Arial', 'B', 10);

$pdf->Row(array("SS Height",
            "Low Lying Coastal Areas in the Municipalities of:",
            "ADVICE/Actions to Take"), 1);

$pdf->SetFont('Arial', '', 11);

while($row = mysql_fetch_array($records)){
  $row['advice']), 1);

$pdf->SetBorders(array('T', 'T', 'T', 'T', 'T'));
$pdf->Row(array('','','','',''), 1, false, 1);



Early in your code you are fetching a row of data but you aren't adding the row to the PDF with that data before you start your while loop. Right after you set the font and before the while loop make the add the $pdf->Row bit shown below.

$pdf->MultiCell(194,4,"STORM SURGE INFORMATION",0,'C', false); 
$pdf->Cell(191,4,"STORM SURGE: WARNING # ",0,0,'C'); 
$pdf->Cell(172,4,"FOR: TYPHOON ",0,0,'C'); 
$pdf->Cell(175,4,"ISSUED AT ",0,0,'C'); 

$pdf->SetFont('Arial', '', 11);

    $fetch['advice']), 1);

while($row = mysql_fetch_array($records)){
  $row['advice']), 1);

