I would like to perform 'likes' in Facebook walls (from an Android app) using the Temboo Library, and I see there is a Choreo for this.
My problem is that the required parameters are the AccessToken (as usual), and an ObjectID, and I have no idea where can I get a proper ObjectID related for example to a Facebook Group Fan Page I would like to 'like'. How is the conversion from a certain URL to an ObjectID?
I specify the following permissions: "email,publish_actions,user_likes", as stated in Facebook docs:
Note that the like action requires the existing user_likes Permission
I can post to the wall, but whenever I try to 'like' a web, for example: "https://www.facebook.com/pages/Guitar/113099055370169", I get:
com.temboo.core.TembooHttpException: {"output":{"Response":""},"truncatedItems":[],"execution":{"endtime":"1396561663481","id":"a5cfd72449539570145298fd4d668ba","lasterror":"A HTTP Error has occurred: The remote server responded with a status code of 403. Typically this indicates that access to the specified resource is forbidden. The data returned from the remote server was: {\"error\":{\"message\":\"(#200) App does not have permission to make this call\",\"type\":\"OAuthException\",\"code\":200}}. The error occurred in the HTTPSend (Facebook) step.","starttime":"1396561663246","status":"ERROR","errortime":"1396561663445"}}
EDIT 18th June, 2014
Finally I retook the task to let my Android users like a Facebook page. I finally managed to do the WebView / web button trick, so they can tap on a web 'like' button and the like is properly performed. My problem comes when trying to check if the like action was OK. I am using the FQL choreo in two different ways, but both queries give empty results. My test Facebook user has definetely several likes performed, what am I missing?
My FQL queries using Temboo:
You can use a different Choreo to return that value:
Here's a screenshot that shows you how to use this Choreo to get the object ID for a URL.
And here are the inputs I used:
- Access Token:
- Conditions:
- Fields:
url, id, type, site
- Table:
Hopefully that solves your problem. Good luck!