scrollTo and horizontal tables

醉酒当歌 提交于 2019-12-24 19:16:24


I am attempting to make a horizontal scrolling portfolio site. I want to users to be able to click through the images using a next/previous button as well as scrolling as per usual with the mouse and scroll bars. I am, however, having trouble implementing this using jquery.

The table is used as this is best practice in horizontal websites. I wish to use the scrollTo() plugin to allow the table to scroll forwards or backwards depending on which button is clicked.

The end product would resemble this, although I have tried to utilise the code on this site with NO luck at all!

I am lost on how to do this.

My HTML is as follows:

     <div id="content">

  <div id="contentRight">

   <ul id="direction">

    <li id="next"><a class="forward">Next</a></li>
    <li id="prev"><a class="back">Previous</a></li>


   <table id="work">


     <td id="horseOneImage" class="mainImage"><img src="media/images/horse.jpg" alt="" /></td>
     <td id="horseTwoImage" class="mainImage"><img src="media/images/horse.jpg" alt="" /></td>
     <td id="horseThreeImage" class="mainImage"><img src="media/images/horse.jpg" alt="" /></td>
     <td id="horseFourImage" class="mainImage"><img src="media/images/horse.jpg" alt="" /></td>
     <td id="horseFiveImage" class="mainImage"><img src="media/images/horse.jpg" alt="" /></td>
     <td id="horseSixImage" class="mainImage"><img src="media/images/horse.jpg" alt="" /></td>
     <td id="horseSevenImage" class="mainImage"><img src="media/images/horse.jpg" alt="" /></td>
     <td id="horseEightImage" class="mainImage"><img src="media/images/horse.jpg" alt="" /></td>





I have no current jQuery to add as anything I have tried is just a mess.

Any help would be great!



<!DOCTYPE html>

<title>Slider !!</title>
<script type="text/javascript" src="" ></script>
    <div id="content">
        <div id="contentRight">
            <ul id="direction">
                <li id="next"><a href="#" class="forward">Next</a></li>
                <li id="prev"><a href="#" class="back">Previous</a></li>

                <table id="work">
                         <td id="horseOneImage"    class="mainImage"><img src="" alt="" /></td>
                         <td id="horseTwoImage"    class="mainImage"><img src="" alt="" /></td>
                         <td id="horseThreeImage"  class="mainImage"><img src="" alt="" /></td>
                         <td id="horseFourImage"   class="mainImage"><img src="" alt="" /></td>
                         <td id="horseFiveImage"   class="mainImage"><img src="" alt="" /></td>
                         <td id="horseSixImage"    class="mainImage"><img src="" alt="" /></td>
                         <td id="horseSevenImage"  class="mainImage"><img src="" alt="" /></td>
                         <td id="horseEightImage"  class="mainImage"><img src="" alt="" /></td>





<script type="text/javascript">

$(document).ready(function() {
    var margin = 0;

    var length = $('.mainImage').length;
    var width  = $('img:first').width();
    var height = $('img:first').height();

    $('table#work tr').css({width:width*length,height:height,overflow:'hidden',position:'absolute'});
    $('td.mainImage,td.mainImage img').css({width:width,height:height});

    $('#next').click(function() {
            margin +=width;
            if(margin > width*(length-1)) { margin = width*(length-1); return;}

    $('#prev').click(function() {
            margin -=width;
            if(margin<0) { margin = 0; return;}
        $('#prev,#next,html,body,table').stop().animate({scrollLeft:"-="+width},1000 );

here's the Demo


Does this help at all?

jQuery.ScrollTo / jQuery.SerialScroll Horizontal Scrolling

And I'm not sure tables would be the way to go...

