iphone run app as root

混江龙づ霸主 提交于 2019-12-24 18:45:41


I am writing a gui wrapper for gcc for a jailbroken iphone, etc. and it is almost done. However, I get this output when it is run ld: can't open output file for writing : a.out, errno=1 collect2:ld return 1 exit status. I believe this has to do with the privelages the app runs with. I have tried the setuid trick in the cydia developer faq. Can anyone please help?

this is the wrapper I am currently using:
dir=$(dirname "$0")
exec "${dir}"/GUI\ GCC_ "$0"

also I used chmod 4777 and changes the owner:group to root:wheel.
Am i doing everything right?


It worked when I did it like this:

setuid(0); system("Do root stuff");

// To check who you are system("whoami");

You can install the Package for "ps -U root" to see if you are root, or


Be sure your have your setuid binary hidden behind a wrapper that is not setuid. See Cydia or iFile for an example of how it's done.

