Okay so here's the deal. I have to use the BaylorEdPsych package in R to test whether the dataset that I have is MCAR or not.
I ran the LittleMCAR function in it with the sample dataset (EndersTable1_1) and it worked flawlessly.
When I try to run the dataset that I have into the function I get this error:
Error in eigen(sampmat, symmetric = TRUE) :
infinite or missing values in 'x'
I don't understand why this would throw an error when my dataset conforms to the structure of the sample data.
My dataset by the way is a time series that details climate variables for the year 2000 with daily resolution. Here's my dataset for anyone who wants to reproduce this problem. https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B8hGFkkZ5DlfZFl4MGxXY1Y2dlE
My code is below:
data(EndersTable1_1) #retrieve the enders dataset
view(EndersTable1_1) #view the dataset on R's data viewer
LittleMCAR(year_2000) #this is what I named the imported dataset
What am I doing wrong? Thanks to anyone who replies.
After taking out the blocks of rows that were all NA and the column that was all NA, this succeeds:
LittleMCAR(year_2000[ !apply(year_2000, 1, function(x) all(is.na(x))), -10])