I'm trying to display a dust template (compiled) within a backbone view.
here is my render function in the view :
render: ->
dust.render("customer-item", @model.toJSON(), (err, output) ->
throw err if err
$(@el).html output
When i lead the view i see 2 divs added inside my container (corresponding to the 2 models that should be loaded) but they are both empty. The individual template is not redered... When I debug the "output" variable i see the template so in theory it should be loaded properly...
When I do a simple test I can see an output for :
render: ->
$(@el).html "<span>TEST</span>"
But for that scenario I have no output :
render: ->
dust.render("customer-item", @model.toJSON(), (err, output) ->
$(@el).html "<span>TEST</span>"
Many thanks for your help.
I didn't used Dust that much but for what I remember you should compile your template first like that (in plain Javascript):
var source = $("#some-template").html();
var compiled = dust.compile(source,"table");
I think I found where the problem lies: when you call $(this.el).html(out)
inside your dust.render function, this
is out of context. So you have to change your render function to something like that:
var self = this;
As @Ingro explained this is an issue the this (@) context.
An option is to assign the this to a local variable (like "self" or "that")
render: ->
self = @
dust.render("customer-item", @model.toJSON(), (err, output) ->
throw err if err
self.$el.html output
Another option is to use CoffeeScript's "=>" (fat arrow)
render: ->
dust.render("customer-item", @model.toJSON(), (err, output) =>
throw err if err
@$el.html output