Unexpected top-level exception after changing package name

一世执手 提交于 2019-12-24 13:58:02


I am working on an Android Studio project and ran into a problem when I tried to create a package that started with a capital letter (I forgot what it was at this point, but that's not the issue at hand). So I changed the package name from Adapters to adapters and now I can no longer compile.

I receive the following error message:

com.android.dx.cf.iface.ParseException: class name (com/example/android/myAppName/adapters/AccountAdapter$ViewHolder) does not match path (com/example/android/myAppName/Adapters/AccountAdapter$ViewHolder.class)

How can I change it so that it no longer tries to match the path with the capital A?


This issue has been resolved. Thanks to aid of a commenter, I no longer received this exception after running "Clean Project" in Android Studio.

See the comments to the question for more explanation on why this happened.

