I really need help with this... is it doable? Is it possible to add a Tab to a Company's Page programatically (like FBML, where the users writes their own HTML code)? Such as the C# SDK or through some other SDK? How would I do it?
Facebook Graph API allows it with permission "manage_pages".
You can install a profile_tab at the end of the current list of installed tabs for a page by issuing an HTTP POST request to PAGE_ID/tabs with a Page Access Token.
Javascript SDK:
FB.api('/' + PAGE_ID + '/tabs','post',
{ app_id: APP_ID, access_token: PAGE_TOKEN }, function (response) { });
Otherwise you could POST the same data via C# and a valid page access token. You get the page access token from /user/accounts: http://developers.facebook.com/docs/reference/api/user/
From the research I've done, I don't think there's a way to do it programmatically directly. However, you can use the following link: