CakePhp - Associated Data not Saving (but main model data does save)

我的未来我决定 提交于 2019-12-24 08:58:05


So, I have a form in CakePhp using it's Formhelper. There are two associated models in this form: Booking & Guest. The database tables seem to be setup correctly since the page populates the values accurately enough through the associations in the model.

When saving my form data, the Booking information saves but not the Guest information. I've simplified the code in the snippets below. Any ideas what I'm doing wrong?


class Booking extends AppModel {
public $name = "Booking";

/*Associations Section*/
public $belongsTo = array('Property','Bookingsource');
public $hasMany = array('Payment','Occupant','Bookingfee');
public $hasAndBelongsToMany = array(
    'Guest' => array(
        'unique' => FALSE


public function edit($id) {
    if ($this -> request -> is('post')) {
        if ($this -> Booking -> saveAll($this -> request -> data)) {
            $this -> Session -> setFlash('Booking Edited Successully!', "goodflash");
        } else {
            $this -> Session -> setFlash('Oops Something went wrong!', "badflash");
    } else {
        $this->data = $this -> Booking -> findById($id);
        $this -> set('bookingid', $id);


echo $this->Form->create("Booking", array('type' => 'post'));
echo $this -> Form -> hidden('');
echo $this -> Form -> input('Booking.property_id');
echo $this -> Form -> input('Booking.checkin');
echo $this -> Form -> input('Booking.checkout');
echo $this -> Form -> input('Guest.0.firstname');
echo $this -> Form -> end("Submit");

When looking at the SQL that's being processed, I don't see anything to suggest an attempt to edit the Guest table attached to my model.

5   UPDATE `cake_bookingsystem`.`bookings` SET `id` = '10000', `property_id` = '01', `checkin` = '2012-11-10', `checkout` = '2012-12-13' WHERE `cake_bookingsystem`.`bookings`.`id` = '10000'       0   0   8
6   COMMIT      0   0   8


Try adding the id field of the guest record also in your view:

echo $this->Form->create("Booking", array('type' => 'post'));
echo $this -> Form -> hidden('');
echo $this -> Form -> input('Booking.property_id');
echo $this -> Form -> input('Booking.checkin');
echo $this -> Form -> input('Booking.checkout');
echo $this -> Form -> input('');
echo $this -> Form -> input('Guest.0.firstname');
echo $this -> Form -> end("Submit");


