I'm currently having a fight with the typechecker when I try to create a function returning Thing a
(where Thing
is a GADT). A minimal contrived example:
{-#LANGUAGE GADTs, EmptyDataDecls #-}
module Main where
-- Define a contrived GADT
data TFoo
data TBar
data Thing a where
Foo :: Int -> Thing TFoo
Bar :: String -> Thing TBar
combine :: [Thing a]
combine = [Foo 1, Bar "abc"]
main :: IO ()
main = undefined
The typechecker gets unhappy that a
doesn't match TBar
. Presumably this is because it has already inferred that a
is TFoo
. But, this is surprising, because with regular sum types you can do:
data Thing = Foo Int | Bar String
combine :: [Thing]
combine = [Foo 1, Bar "abc"]
Is there anyway to return a type parametric over the GADT parameter?
Outside of the context of the contrived examples, I need GADTs so I can type certain functions to only take a Foo
, but before that I need to also be able to just return a list of Thing
You've got your quantifiers mixed up.
combine :: [Thing a]
means (the forall
is implicit in the syntax)
combine :: forall a. [Thing a]
Essentially, combine
needs to be a [Thing a]
no matter what a
is, because a
is chosen by the code that calls combine
. Or, in another sense,
-- psuedo-Haskell
combine :: (a :: *) -> [Thing a]
is a function that takes a type as argument and promises to construct a list of Things
of that type. The only possible definition of combine
with this type signature is combine = []
, plus a bunch of dumb ones like [undefined]
, etc. E.g. combine = [Foo 1]
would not work either, because a
is not being inferred, because it's not combine
that sets a
; it's the user.
You want
-- psuedo-Haskell
combine :: [exists a. Thing a]
which means "combine
is a list of things, and each thing is a Thing
of some unknown type" (and every Thing
can be of a different type). The exists
quantifier is the flipside of forall
. It means the definition of combine
can set whatever type it wants and the user will have to deal with it. Haskell doesn't support exists
out-of-the-box, so you need to define an intermediate data type:
data SomeThing = forall a. SomeThing (Thing a)
The syntax is a bit backwards for using the universal quantifier to create existential quantification, but the idea is that you get
SomeThing :: forall a. Thing a -> SomeThing
which essentially erases the knowledge of what a
You can then have
combine :: [SomeThing]
combine = [SomeThing $ Foo 1, SomeThing $ Bar "abc"]