How can I handle Castor unmarshaling of SOAP messages when the namespace is defined inside the operation tag?

旧巷老猫 提交于 2019-12-24 01:19:16


I am developing a contract-first web service based on Spring-WS. I'm relying on Castor marshaling, and I have run into the following issue.

Requests are being accepted when the "xmlns" namespace is defined in the Envelope tag, such as:

<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap=""

However, both .NET and Java clients generated from the .wsdl provided by Spring-WS (which was generated from a XSD), form their requests in the following manner:

<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="">

Which results in an Unmarshalling Exception being thrown by Castor. How do I get Castor to recognize these messages as valid? Could my WSDL (or the XSD I used to autogenerate it) be wrong?


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I ran into this problem over and over again with my first Spring-WS/Castor web service. As far as I can tell, somewhere along the line some component extracts the payload in a non-namespace-aware way. In other words, a node like doPlaceHoldRequest becomes the root of an XML document without inheriting the top-level namespace declaration, and in the two cases above, that leads to one that is in the namespace you want, and one that is not - so one validates fine against your schema, and the other does not.

The best solution seems to be to cover all the bases. Make your XSD have elementFormDefault="qualified", to require all your elements to be in a namespace. Then specify an ns-uri and an ns-prefix in every map-to element in your Castor mapping. The result is a little heavier, with all the namespace prefixes, but it seems to make it a lot less fragile when it comes to lazy clients and undocumented behavior in server components.

JAX-WS return empty lists makes a good point, too. is worth having to validate what comes in and out.

