I'd like to change the word order for each element in a vector. Specifically I'd like to make another vector where the first word is now the last word for a number of elements that differ in length.
metadata1 <- c("reference1 an organism",
"reference2 another organism here",
"reference3 yet another organism is here")
Desired outcome
metadata2 <- c("an organism reference1",
"another organism here reference2",
"yet another organism is here reference3")
My attempt
metadata2 <- lapply(strsplit(metadata1," "), function(x) paste(x[c(2,3,4,5,1)]))
I've tried to use lapply()
to separate each element by spaces using strsplit()
, and then paste them back together using the order index. This gets the words in the right order, but returns a list where the words are separate elements and because some elements are longer than others I get "NA"s when an index number is higher than the number of words in that element. I've also tried sapply()
which returns a matrix and tapply()
which does not work.
paste(word(metadata1,2, -1), word(metadata1,1), sep = " ")
# [1] "an organism reference1"
# [2] "another organism here reference2"
# [3] "yet another organism is here reference3"
# OR
sapply(metadata1, function(x){ y = unlist(strsplit(x, " "))
paste(c(y[-1],y[1]),collapse = " ")
# OR ( this is purely @Frank's answer)( Shall remove when he puts it as an answer)
sub("^(\\w+) (.*)$", "\\2 \\1", metadata1)