.respond({// some data});
I get the following error
Error: Unexpected request: GET /restpath/api/v1/books
Expected GET /restpath/api/v1/books?limit=10&start=1
For the expectGET I have the following , and this creates dynamic query string. mostly the 'start' parameter, and the whenGET part, I am trying to server a dynamic content depending on the 'start'
// the actual service goes here , which does the $http service. we don't care
(for angular apps with versions lower than v1.5.0-build.4371 )
If you dont care about the parameters after your '?' you can do this :
$httpBackend.expectGET(/.*?restpath\/api\/v1\/books?.*/g).respond(200, '{}');
if you care about the first param do this :
$httpBackend.expectGET(/.*?restpath\/api\/v1\/books?limit=10.*/g).respond(200, '{}');
if you care about them all do this :
$httpBackend.expectGET("/restpath/api/v1/books?limit=10&start=1").respond(200, '{}');
As of v1.5.0-build.4371 the docs state that the respond callback accepts a params
By default, query parameters on request URLs are parsed into the params object. So a request URL of /list?q=searchstr&orderby=-name would set params to be {q: 'searchstr', orderby: '-name'}
So for '/restpath/api/v1/books?limit=10&start=1'
you will get:
.respond(function(method, url, data, headers, params) {
// params will be {
// limit: 10,
// start: 1
// }
You use
if you want to $httpBackend to throw an exception on mismatch..whenGET()
in the other cases.
The docs state that
can accept either anArray
or a callback function, with the signature:function(method, url, data, headers) {};
Now that we know how to access the request url, in order to serve a dynamic content, we can simply parse the url we receive in the .respond()
callback using a helper function such as the one posted by Andy E in this question:
// inspired by Andy E
// @https://stackoverflow.com/users/94197/andy-e
function matchParams(query) {
var match;
var params = {};
// replace addition symbol with a space
var pl = /\+/g;
// delimit params
var search = /([^&=]+)=?([^&]*)/g;
var decode = function (s) { return decodeURIComponent(s.replace(pl, " ")); };
while (match = search.exec(query))
params[decode(match[1])] = decode(match[2]);
return params;
With this helper in our scope, we can know build a dynamic response, such as:
// we use a regex to be able to still respond to
// dynamic parameters in your request
var urlRegex = /\/restpath\/api\/v1\/books\?limit=(\d+)&start=(\d+)/;
.respond(function(method, url){
// send only the url parameters to the helper
var params = matchParams(url.split('?')[1]);
// params is now an object containing
// {limit: 10, start:1}
// so do whatever you want with it.
var dynamicData = getMockData(params.start);
// don't forget to return.
return [200, dynamicData];
// now resolve the Promise by flushing.
And voila! You can serve dynamic mock data to your tests.
arguments for
are different. They should be same.