I login to my server using a SOAP web service
. Once logged in, many of the files that I am viewing are only available to the logged in user, so iOS must create a session in NSURL
or something.
When trying to preview a video file using MPMoviePlayerViewController
it will not work, it just loads up the viewController, then dismisses it.
If I use QuickLook
it does work, probably because I download the video locally first, then view it.
But, I don't want to do it this way, I want to stream the video using MPMoviePlayerViewController
because I don't want the user to have to download an entire video file. I have seen posts about using NSURLCredential
but that doesn't seem to work for me. I used (added my own personal info obviously):
* Play media session
* @version $Revision: 0.1
- (void)playMediaWithURL:(NSString *)mediaURL {
// Authenticate
NSURLCredential *credential = [NSURLCredential credentialWithUser:@"myusername"
NSURLProtectionSpace *protectionSpace = [[NSURLProtectionSpace alloc]
[[NSURLCredentialStorage sharedCredentialStorage] setDefaultCredential:credential forProtectionSpace:protectionSpace];
// The movie player
NSURL *movieURL = [NSURL URLWithString:[mediaURL stringByAddingPercentEscapesUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding]];
MPMoviePlayerViewController *tempPlayer = [[MPMoviePlayerViewController alloc]initWithContentURL:movieURL];
// Add observer
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter]
name:MPMoviePlayerPlaybackDidFinishNotification object:nil];
// Properties
tempPlayer.moviePlayer.allowsAirPlay = YES;
tempPlayer.moviePlayer.shouldAutoplay = YES;
tempPlayer.moviePlayer.useApplicationAudioSession = NO;
[self presentMoviePlayerViewControllerAnimated:tempPlayer];
[tempPlayer.moviePlayer play];
Since this video is only viewable by a logged in user, if the video URL is accessed by a public user, they are presented with an HTML form to login. Does NSURLCredential
not work in this case?
Why do all calls to NSURLConnection
work, using my logged in credentials (such as downloading the video), but MPMoviePlayerViewController
doesn't seem to use those same credentials, and refuses to play the video (probably because it gets the login page)?
Is there a solution to this?
Recently, I had a similar problem not being able to pass cookies to MPMoviePlayerController. I found from stack overflow that the solution is to use NSURLProtocol. Still, it was painful figuring out how to do it, so I thought I'd save people some time by sharing the coded solution: https://stackoverflow.com/a/23261001/3547099