I have a helper class that uses a TypeBuilder to construct a dynamic type. It is used as follows :
var tbh = new TypeBuilderHelper("MyType");
tbh.AddProperty<float>("Number", 0.0f);
tbh.AddProperty<string>("String", "defaultStringValue");
var i1 = tbh.CreateInstance();
var i2 = tbh.CreateInstance();
I now want to add support for property attributes (existing attribute types, not dynamically generated types), along the lines of :
public class TypeBuilderHelper
public void AddProperty<T>(string name, T defaultValue, params Attribute[] attributes)
// ...
public class SomeAttribute : Attribute
public SomeAttribute(float a) { }
public SomeAttribute(float a, int b) { }
public SomeAttribute(float a, double b, string c) { }
var tbh2 = new TypeBuilderHelper("MyType2");
tbh2.AddProperty<float>("Number", 0.0f, new SomeAttribute(0.0f, 1));
tbh2.AddProperty<string>("String", "defaultStringValue");
var i3 = tbh.CreateInstance();
var i4 = tbh.CreateInstance();
But I'm not sure how that would work. I'm creating the properties using the PropertyBuilder, but the CustomAttributeBuilder wants a constructor signature and the constructor args, where as all I'll have is an instance of a constructed Attribute.
An instance of an attribute isn't helpful here you need to define the constructor and the values that should be called. A simple solution might be to change the AddProperty Signature and exchange the params Attribute Parameter with a params CustomAttributeBuilder Parameter and construct Builder instances instead of attributes.
var ci = typeof(SomeAttribute).GetConstructor(new Type[] { typeof(float), typeof(int) });
var builder = new CustomAttributeBuilder(ci, new object[] { 0.0f, 1 });