I have been recently studying code for In-App-Billing v2. And have found some issues with it. I have earlier implemented In-App-Billing but wish to upgrade to subscription. On my research I found that Purchase token is recieved along with the JSON(Signed data) on successful purchase for subscription.
The demo's Security.java on successful verification of signature parses Json however the parsing of element Purchase-token is missing here.
JSONObject jElement = jTransactionsArray.getJSONObject(i);
int response = jElement.getInt("purchaseState");
PurchaseState purchaseState = PurchaseState.valueOf(response);
String productId = jElement.getString("productId");
String packageName = jElement.getString("packageName");
long purchaseTime = jElement.getLong("purchaseTime");
String orderId = jElement.optString("orderId", "");
String notifyId = null;
// purchaseToken part that I have added
String purchaseToken = jElement.optString("purchaseToken", "");
I haven't yet run the code since subscription doesn't have test product-ids and requires actual purchase.What I want to know is this token be parsed here or is the sample code provided has this part correctly implemented.
Vincent, that is correct. You have to modify Security.java as well as BillingService.java and ResponseHandler.java if you need the purhcaseToken to be validated.
Here it is:
public PurchaseState purchaseState;
public String notificationId;
public String productId;
public String orderId;
public long purchaseTime;
public String developerPayload;
public String purchaseToken;
public String packageName;
public VerifiedPurchase(PurchaseState purchaseState, String notificationId, String productId, String orderId, long purchaseTime,
String developerPayload, String purchaseToken, String packageName) {
this.purchaseState = purchaseState;
this.notificationId = notificationId;
this.productId = productId;
this.orderId = orderId;
this.purchaseTime = purchaseTime;
this.developerPayload = developerPayload;
this.purchaseToken = purchaseToken;
this.packageName = packageName;
Now in VerifyPurchase:
String developerPayload = jElement.optString("developerPayload", null);
// VK: Changes to parse the purchaseToken
String purchaseToken = jElement.optString("purchaseToken", null);
In purchaseStateChanged, modify:
ResponseHandler.purchaseResponse(this, vp.purchaseState, vp.productId, vp.orderId, vp.purchaseTime, vp.developerPayload, vp.purchaseToken, vp.packageName);
Finally, change the definition of purchaseResponse to:
public static void purchaseResponse(final Context context, final PurchaseState purchaseState, final String productId, final String orderId, final long purchaseTime, final String developerPayload, final String purchaseToken,final String packageName)
Here you can make your app related logic changes as you here will have the purchaseToken.
If everything works, please accept!