I have a block wherein I use self
so I declare a weak reference to self:
__weak MyClass *weakSelf = self;
Now my questions:
I get an error where I define
and I don't understand what this should mean.:weak attribute can not be specified on an automatic variable
Inside my block I pass
to another block and I am not sure if I now have to do the same thing again like so:__weak MyClass *weakWeakSelf = weakSelf;
And then pass
to that block?
This is most likely occurring as you are targeting down to iOS 4. You should change it to be
__unsafe_unretained MyClass *weakWeakSelf = weakSelf;
With ARC
__weak __typeof__(self) wself = self;
Wihtout ARC
__unsafe_unretained __typeof__(self) wself = self;
With libextobjc it will be readable and easy:
- (void)doStuff
// __weak __typeof__(self) self_weak_ = self;
[self doSomeAsyncStuff:^{
// __strong __typeof__(self) self = self_weak_;
// now you don't run the risk of self being deallocated
// whilst doing stuff inside this block
// But there's a chance that self was already deallocated, so
// you could want to check if self == nil
[self doSomeAwesomeStuff];
[self doSomeOtherAsyncStuff:^{
// __strong __typeof__(self) self = self_weak_;
// now you don't run the risk of self being deallocated
// whilst doing stuff inside this block
// Again, there's a chance that self was already deallocated, so
// you could want to check if self == nil
[self doSomeAwesomeStuff];