PDFView setNeedsDisplay:YES doesn't work on MacOS Sierra 10.12

不问归期 提交于 2019-12-19 03:36:15


I have use [PDFView setNeedsDisplay:YES] to let the PDF view redraw, and it worked great on OSX 10.9-10.11. However it doesn't work unless I zoom in or zoom out the PDF page...

Is there any other way to redraw immediately? Code below:

NSRect      newBounds;
NSRect      currentBounds;
NSRect      dirtyRect;
NSPoint     mouseLoc;
NSPoint     endPt;

// Where is annotation now?
currentBounds = [_activeAnnotation bounds];

// Mouse in display view coordinates.
mouseLoc = [self convertPoint: [theEvent locationInWindow] fromView: NULL];

// Convert end point to page space.
if(activePage == nil)
    activePage =[_activeAnnotation page];

_LinePoint= [self convertPoint: mouseLoc toPage: activePage];
endPt = [self convertPoint: mouseLoc toPage: activePage];
if(_selectedIdx == 3) //ink
    [(PDFAnnotationInk*)_activeAnnotation removeBezierPath:_path];

    //endPt.x=_xPoint.x; //竖线
    //endPt.y=_xPoint.y; //横线

    [_path lineToPoint:endPt];  //  普通笔

    [(PDFAnnotationInk*)_activeAnnotation addBezierPath:_path];

    [self annotationChanged];
    [self setNeedsDisplay:YES];



I found that the setNeedsDispaly calls the drawPage:toContext: however the drawing code doesn't work in drawPage:toContext:

- (void)drawPage:(PDFPage *)pdfPage toContext(CGContextRef)context
    [super drawPage: pdfPage toContext:context];
    NSBezierPath *line=[NSBezierPath bezierPath];
    [line moveToPoint:_xPoint];
    [line lineToPoint:NSMakePoint(150, 150)];
    [[NSColor redColor] set];
    [line setLineWidth:50] ;
    [line stroke];

the debug said CGContextSetFillColorWithColor: invalid context 0x0 and more invalid context 0x0 warnings. What I do in the drawPage:toContext: is testing and just use BezierPath to draw a line.


I'm having the same trouble. The first time I add an annotation, PDFView displays that annotation on the page immediately. From then on, adding or removing an annotation works fine in code but PDFView doesn't show the change until I manually scroll the view.

From PDFKit I've tried:


for pageIndex in 0...pdf.pageCount - 1 {
  let page = pdf.page(at: pageIndex)!
  previewView.annotationsChanged(on: page)

and from NSView I've tried:

previewView.needsDisplay = true
previewView.needsLayout = true
previewView.documentView?.needsDisplay = true

but no luck. I've tried scrolling the PDFView with code too but it hasn't been a reliable way of sneaking a refresh, and in general shouldn't be the way to do this.

