Simple scenario:
I have multiple Services that implement a common Interface. All those Services are registered within the bootstrap
Now I'd like to have another Service, which injects all registered Services that implement the common Interface.
export interface MyInterface {
foo(): void;
export class Service1 implements MyInterface {
foo() { console.out("bar"); }
export class Service2 implements MyInterface {
foo() { console.out("baz"); }
export class CollectorService {
constructor(services:MyInterface[]) {
services.forEach(s => s.foo());
Is that possible somehow?
You need to register your service providers like this:
boostrap(AppComponent, [
provide(MyInterface, { useClass: Service1, multi:true });
provide(MyInterface, { useClass: Service2, multi:true });
This will work only with classes not with interfaces since interfaces don't exist at runtime.
To make it work with interfaces, you need to adapt it:
bootstrap(AppComponent, [
provide('MyInterface', { useClass: Service1, multi:true }),
provide('MyInterface', { useClass: Service2, multi:true }),
and inject this way:
export class CollectorService {
constructor(@Inject('MyInterface') services:MyInterface[]) {
services.forEach(s => s.foo());
See this plunkr for more details: https://plnkr.co/edit/HSqOEN?p=preview.
See this link for more details:
- http://blog.thoughtram.io/angular2/2015/11/23/multi-providers-in-angular-2.html
Because interfaces are not available at runtime (only for static checks) interfaces can't be used as toke for DI.
Use a token instead:
var myInterfaceToken = new OpaqueToken('MyInterface');
var myInterfaceToken new InjectionToken<MyInterface>('MyInterface');
// import `myInterfaceToken` to make it available in this file
providers: [
{ provide: myInterfaceToken, useClass: Service1, multi:true },
{ provide: myInterfaceToken, useClass: Service2, multi:true },
boostrap: [AppComponent],
class AppComponent {}
// import `myInterfaceToken` to make it available in this file
export class CollectorService {
constructor(@Inject(myInterfaceToken) services:MyInterface[]) {
services.forEach(s => s.foo());