I am not able to move the arrow keys or even select the default project while installing the firebase in mac

送分小仙女□ 提交于 2019-12-17 21:35:57


I was installing firebase for Mac after firebase init command selected firebase and cli features like Databas,Hosting

After pressing enter the terminal asked for project setup but here I am not able to select, enter to not even able to move the arrow keys

I tried closing the terminal and then follow same installation and configuration process but getting stuck at the same step

=== Project Setup

First, let's associate this project directory with a Firebase project.
You can create multiple project aliases by running firebase use --add, 
but for now we'll just set up a default project.

? Select a default Firebase project for this directory: (Use arrow keys)
❯ [don't setup a default project] 
  capitalakshay (CapitalAkshay) 
  fir-demo-project (Firebase Demo Project) 
  [create a new project] 

(Not able to move from here)


UPDATE: This problem should be fixed with the Firebase CLI version 7.0.1. Install it with npm install -g firebase-tools@latest.

For problems where the CLI isn't working properly, please contact Firebase support so they can collection information and escalate to engineering. Stack Overflow isn't really the best place to report these sort of issues.

OLD: There is a known problem with an updated dependency of the Firebase CLI that causes it to hang. There is fix waiting to happen in this pull request, and a new version of the CLI is coming soon. In the short term, try downgrading your CLI to version 6.3.0 to avoid the problem.


I had a similar problem (but in windows) and updating to 7.0.1 I could solve it.

Thank you Doug!!!


Updated node.js,npm and its working.. Yaayyy!! just check if you have installed the updated versions

node -v npm -v

you can update node.js in two ways 1. Download installer from node.js 2.Use command line to update node.js

Use n version manager to update node.js

npm install -g n npm cache clean -f

{note: terminal may display warning like

npm WARN using --force I sure hope you know what you are doing.}

sudo n stable {enter your device password}

npm update -g

Now check the updated versions node -v npm -v

