I have the result of Get-ChildItem
, and I want to iterate over these, and display their names. By default if I simply use Write-Host
then I get it listed out along the row like this:
PerfLogs Program Files Program Files (x86) Python31 Temp Users Windows
However, say that I know I want it split into x columns, I want the output like this instead:
PerfLogs Python31 Windows
Program Files Temp
Program Files (x86) Users
As you can see, it lists it down the columns first, and then across.
Any idea how to get output like that? Ideally it would use the most # of columns as can fit on screen with the Name aligned to the left in each column.
UPDATE: thanks to Roman, I can now have my linux style 'ls' output with directory colors. Building off his updated script I have:
function color-ls
dir $args | Format-High -Print {
$item = $args
$fore = $host.UI.RawUI.ForegroundColor
$host.UI.RawUI.ForegroundColor = .{
if ($item[1].psIsContainer) {'Blue'}
elseif ($item[1].Extension -match '\.(exe|bat|cmd|ps1|psm1|vbs|rb|reg|dll|o|lib)') {'Red'}
elseif ($item[1].Extension -match '\.(zip|tar|gz|rar)') {'Yellow'}
elseif ($item[1].Extension -match '\.(py|pl|cs|rb|h|cpp)') {'Cyan'}
elseif ($item[1].Extension -match '\.(txt|cfg|conf|ini|csv|log|xml)') {'Green'}
else {$fore}
write-host $args[0] -NoNewLine
$host.UI.RawUI.ForegroundColor = $fore
It’s an interesting idea and task.
UPDATE: the updated script contains a few fixes and improvements. It also allows to customize the output in several ways. See examples in the script comments.
Script Format-High.ps1:
Formats input by columns using maximum suitable column number.
Format-High prints the specified property, expression, or string
representation of input objects filling the table by columns.
It is named in contrast to Format-Wide which prints by rows.
# just items
ls c:\windows | Format-High
# ditto in colors based on PSIsContainer
ls c:\windows | Format-High -Print {$c = if ($args[1].PSIsContainer) {'yellow'} else {'white'}; Write-Host $args[0] -ForegroundColor $c -NoNewline}
# just processes, not good
ps | Format-High
# process names, much better
ps | Format-High Name
# custom expression and width
ps | Format-High {$_.Name + ':' + $_.WS} 70
# process names in colors based on working sets
ps | Format-High Name 70 {$c = if ($args[1].WS -gt 10mb) {'red'} else {'green'}; Write-Host $args[0] -ForegroundColor $c -NoNewline}
[int]$Width = $Host.UI.RawUI.WindowSize.Width - 1,
[scriptblock]$Print = { Write-Host $args[0] -NoNewline },
# process the input, get strings to format
if ($InputObject -eq $null) { $InputObject = @($input) }
if ($Property -is [string]) { $strings = $InputObject | Select-Object -ExpandProperty $Property }
elseif ($Property -is [scriptblock]) { $strings = $InputObject | ForEach-Object $Property }
else { $strings = $InputObject }
$strings = @(foreach($_ in $strings) { "$_" })
# pass 1: find the maximum column number
$nbest = 1
$bestwidths = @($Width)
for($ncolumn = 2; ; ++$ncolumn) {
$nrow = [Math]::Ceiling($strings.Count / $ncolumn)
$widths = @(
for($s = 0; $s -lt $strings.Count; $s += $nrow) {
$e = [Math]::Min($strings.Count, $s + $nrow)
($strings[$s .. ($e - 1)] | Measure-Object -Maximum Length).Maximum + 1
if (($widths | Measure-Object -Sum).Sum -gt $Width) {
$bestwidths = $widths
$nbest = $ncolumn
if ($nrow -le 1) {
# pass 2: print strings
$nrow = [Math]::Ceiling($strings.Count / $nbest)
for($r = 0; $r -lt $nrow; ++$r) {
for($c = 0; $c -lt $nbest; ++$c) {
$i = $c * $nrow + $r
if ($i -lt $strings.Count) {
& $Print ($strings[$i].PadRight($bestwidths[$c])) $InputObject[$i]
& $Print "`r`n"