I have a Seller object which has a related User. I need to fill a select from LaravelCollective so I need to make something like this:
{!! Form::selectGroup('seller_id', 'Seller', Seller::with('user')->pluck('user.first_name', 'id')->toArray(), null) !!}
The problem is that I cannot take fields from relationships (user.first_name).
How can I do it?
I want to avoid doing this...
$sellers = [];
Seller::with('user')->get()->each(function ($seller) use (&$sellers) {
$sellers[$seller->id] = $seller->user->first_name;
You can use Laravel's pluck method as:
$sellers = Seller::with('user')->get()->pluck('user.first_name', 'id')
You can achieve it by using join() & pluck() like this:
$s = Seller::join('users', 'sellers.user_id', '=', 'users.id')
->pluck('sellers.id', 'users.id')
This would give an array like this:
'seller_id_1' => 'user_id_1',
'seller_id_2' => 'user_id_2',
'seller_id_3' => 'user_id_3',
'seller_id_4' => 'user_id_4',
'seller_id_n' => 'user_id_n',
Hope this helps!
Another way to do it is to define what columns you need inside the relationship. It's good if you always need just these columns on the given relationship. Example:
Class Seller extends Model {
public function user()
return $this->hasOne(user::class, 'id')
->select('id', 'first_name');