I have tried several combinations without success. The full xpath to that data is .//*[@id='detail_row_seek_37878']/td
The problem is the number portion '37878' changes for each node and thus I can't use a foreach to loop through the nodes. Is there some way to use a wildcard and reduce the xpath to .//*[@id='detail wildcard
, in an effort to bypass the absolute value portion? I am using html agility pack on this.
HtmlNode ddate = node.SelectSingleNode(".//*[@id='detail_row_seek_37878']/td");
Extract the portion that doesn't change:
//*[starts-with(@id, 'detail_row_seek')]/td
Related Techniques and Functions
To match elements whose id
attribute contains the string _row_
at the 7th character:
//*[substring(@id, 7, 5)='_row_']/td
To match elements whose id
attribute contains the text detail_
at any position:
//*[contains(@id, 'detail_')]/td
To match elements whose id
attribute ends with the text detail_row_seek
//*['detail_row_seek' = substring(@id,
string-length(@id) - string-length('detail_row_seek') + 1)]/td