I have a gist that I always use to install the packages I need on a fresh server.
All I need to do is to type the following in the fresh server via ssh
bash -c "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.github.com/gist/4372049)" <mysqlPassword>
I will be good to go.
Now I have this series of steps I always need to perform on a fresh installation of ubuntu.
first at root i did a
echo $SHELL
I saw that I have /bin/bash
then i switch to www-data
sudo su www-data
then i do a
echo $SHELL
I saw that I had
So I did a
chsh -s /bin/bash
I was prompted for my www-data password so I gave it.
after that I switch back to root
then i log back into www-data
sudo su www-data
I checked the $SHELL again
echo $SHELL
I saw that now it is
listed here in https://askubuntu.com/a/232663/10591
Is there a way to write a bash script I can put up in gist.github.com to use in a similar way to execute?
if so, how do I write the bash script?
I realized that I was given a vote to close this question because it was deemed too localized.
Let me rephrase this to
how do I write a bash script that I can put up in gist and use it in my linux console such that it can take in arguments for username and password and therefore execute the command
chsh -s /bin/bash
and supplying the password correctly?
This is my attempt: https://gist.github.com/simkimsia/5126919
the su worked, but not the chsh command
Update 2:
I have changed the script to be
if [ $# -ne $EXPECTEDARGS -o "x$0" == "x" -o $0 == "bash" ]; then
echo "Usage:"
echo " Parameter 1: your username"
echo " Parameter 2: your password"
exit 1
## switch to another user
## read this https://stackoverflow.com/a/1988255/80353
sudo -u $CHANGESHELL_FOR_USER -H sh -c "chsh -s /bin/bash"
expect "*?assword:*" {send -- "$PASSWORD_OF_USER\r";}
expect eof
after reading how to use a shell script to supply a password when the interface asks for it
Now the problem is somehow sending the password when prompted for
As long as you are running the below command as root, you will be fine.
chsh -s /bin/bash <username>
in this case, it is
chsh -s /bin/bash www-data
See https://gist.github.com/simkimsia/4372049#file-installation-12-10-ubuntu-sh-L373