I need to implement DCT transform, but i can't use float or double types. There is a lot of implementations on the internet, but all of them use float.
Does anyone know any source with DCT on integers?
P.S I need it to implement Color Layout Descriptor.
I found a blog post that describes the integer based DCT and IDCT here and gives an implementation in Matlab.
The code he used is on GitHub, available here.
I used the method bink_dct_B2.m. This calculates a scaled 1D-DCT transform, so if you want the 2D-orthogonal DCT tranform, you have have to use following code:
A_tranformed = (bink_dct_B2(bink_dct_B2(A)')')/8
Here A is the matrix you want to transform. This will give approximately the same output as the Matlab built-in dct2-command (this integer implementation will introduce some rounding-errors).
function out=bink_dct_B2(in)
% extract rows
i0 = in(1,:);
i1 = in(2,:);
i2 = in(3,:);
i3 = in(4,:);
i4 = in(5,:);
i5 = in(6,:);
i6 = in(7,:);
i7 = in(8,:);
% stage 1 - 8A
a0 = i0 + i7;
a1 = i1 + i6;
a2 = i2 + i5;
a3 = i3 + i4;
a4 = i0 - i7;
a5 = i1 - i6;
a6 = i2 - i5;
a7 = i3 - i4;
% even stage 2 - 4A
b0 = a0 + a3;
b1 = a1 + a2;
b2 = a0 - a3;
b3 = a1 - a2;
% even stage 3 - 6A 4S
c0 = b0 + b1;
c1 = b0 - b1;
c2 = b2 + b2/4 + b3/2;
c3 = b2/2 - b3 - b3/4;
% odd stage 2 - 12A 8S
% NB a4/4 and a7/4 are each used twice, so this really is 8 shifts, not 10.
b4 = a7/4 + a4 + a4/4 - a4/16;
b7 = a4/4 - a7 - a7/4 + a7/16;
b5 = a5 + a6 - a6/4 - a6/16;
b6 = a6 - a5 + a5/4 + a5/16;
% odd stage 3 - 4A
c4 = b4 + b5;
c5 = b4 - b5;
c6 = b6 + b7;
c7 = b6 - b7;
% odd stage 4 - 2A
d4 = c4;
d5 = c5 + c7;
d6 = c5 - c7;
d7 = c6;
% permute/output
out = [c0; d4; c2; d6; c1; d5; c3; d7];
% total: 36A 12S