I created a new test that inherits from WebTestCase. When I run my codeception tests, I get the following error:
[RuntimeException] You must override the KernelTestCase::createKernel() method.
It is very unclear to me with what I need to override it. What I want is a client that can call a certain URI to get my http response
This is the test:
public function testSearchAction()
$searchUri = '/search';
$client = static::createClient();
$client->request('GET', $searchUri);
$response = $client->getResponse();
$this->assertSame(Response::HTTP_BAD_REQUEST, $response->getStatusCode());
This is my unit.suite.yml file
class_name: UnitTester
- Symfony2:
app_path: '../../app'
var_path: '../../app'
- Doctrine2:
depends: Symfony2
- AppBundle\Helper\Unit
I just ran into the same problem when trying to integrate existing tests extending from WebTestCase into Codeception. Setting KERNEL_DIR
in tests/functional/_bootstrap.php
solved the issue for me:
$_SERVER['KERNEL_DIR'] = __DIR__ . '/../../app/';
It is possible to run basics WebTestCase (or simple PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase). In your unit.suite.ym file, add the boostrap settings :
# tests/unit.suite.ym
- Symfony2:
app_path: '../../app'
var_path: '../../app'
- Doctrine2:
depends: Symfony2
- AppBundle\Helper\Unit
bootstrap: _bootstrap.php
Create the tests/unit/_bootstrap.php file
$_SERVER['KERNEL_DIR'] = __DIR__ . '/../../app/';
The loading of _bootstrap file is done by the listener Codeception\Subscriber\Bootstrap::loadBootstrap()
Exception You must override the KernelTestCase::createKernel() method can be solved by setting KERNEL_DIR parameter in file app/phpunit.xml.dist. By default, section concerning KERNEL_DIR in this file is commented.
The full path to the kernel may look like:
<server name="KERNEL_DIR" value="C:/symfonyProjects/project1/app" />
If you encounter this error with Symfony 4, the solution has changed.
In Symfony 2 and 3, you could set the KERNEL_DIR in tests/functional/_bootstrap.php:
$_SERVER['KERNEL_DIR'] = __DIR__ . '/../../app/';
In Symfony 4, you should set the KERNEL_CLASS in tests/functional/_bootstrap.php:
$_SERVER['KERNEL_CLASS'] = App\Kernel::class;