ngrok - Get all routes to localhost server

廉价感情. 提交于 2019-12-13 16:27:51


I'm using ngrok (free account) in my localhost for my coded web server written in Go

In Ubuntu, after starting my server (which listens on port 3000), I run this command to start ngrok:

./ngrok http 3000

Then other PC can get access to my demo web by path provided by ngrok, for instance,

But when they do something on it (for example, click on a button that redirects), the host of URL becomes localhost again

There isn't any functions of ngrok that allows access to all routes in server, is there? I'm learning


I just ran into this issue, the reason for this is because your button uses a straight absolute path redirect which ngrok (or any tunneling service ive used so far) cannot handle. You need to use a relative path redirect such as: window.location.href = '/path';

In general, it is considered best practice to always use relative urls so that the app is not bound to the hostname. Of course, this is in an ideal work- most legacy apps may not follow this unfortunately.


While I was working on a Rails app I wanted to run it on ngrok but I got error below:

The connection to was successfully tunneled to your ngrok client, but the client failed to establish a connection to the local address localhost:3000.

It seems like ngrok works fine but my local server is not. Which is true since I forgot to run my rails app first by run $ rails s. By doing so I was able to get ngrok tunneing works fine.

Make sure your local server run first.

I have noticed ngrok url changes to localhost url when I click on site logo which is defined as root_path in my route file. But other links and header tabs for example works fine and shows ngrok url.

Good luck.

