I'm trying to null or remove the ID entirely of all the queried IsoDataTables before returning them to frontend. The idea is that it should behave (in this case) as a template and I don't want it returning the id's back to me, nor do I want them to be removed in the frontend.
var applicationType = await _context.ApplicationType
.Include(m => m.IsoTableData)
.FirstOrDefaultAsync(m => m.Id == id);
if (applicationType == null)
return NotFound();
if (applicationType.IsoTableData != null)
foreach (IsoTableData isoTableData in applicationType.IsoTableData)
// error since it a not nullable primary key
isoTableData.Id = null;
return Ok(applicationType);
I have found a workaround in which I duplicate the objects and return them (without saving to DB) but I'm looking for a more elegant solution.
The way I did it was create a copy constructor (or basically, a new instance of an object) with the desired fields; I chose a copy constructor as this logic is recurent in other places as well. Another similar solution is creating a DTO object, but I don't need it here. Any improvements?
//in IsoFileApplicationType.cs
public IsoFileApplicationType(IsoFileApplicationType isoFileApplicationType)
Id = null
FullName = isoFileApplicationType.FullName;
Name = isoFileApplicationType.Name;
foreach (IsoTableData isoTableData in isoFileApplicationType.IsoTableData)
//in IsoTableData.cs
public IsoTableData(IsoTableData isoTableData)
Id = null;
Data = isoTableData.Name;
Age = isoTableData.Age;
// in CRUD controller
var applicationType = await _context.ApplicationType
.Include(m => m.IsoTableData)
.FirstOrDefaultAsync(m => m.Id == id);
if (applicationType == null)
return NotFound();
IsoFileApplicationType newIsoFileApplicationType = IsoFileApplicationType(applicationType);
return Ok(newIsoFileApplicationType);