:) I am working on intercepting, and resending gestures sent to a scrollview.
What I want to do:
Kill all gestureRecognizers in the scrollview. I have accomplished this.
Add new gestureRecognizers in the scrollview. I have accomplished this as well.
Make the new recognizers behave the same as the old ones. I have NOT accomplished this, and I need help doing so.
The only new recognizer I have added is a pan gesture recognizer, which requires at least two fingers. I want this to behave exactly as a one finger scroll. :)
What kind of calls must I send when responding to the callbacks generated by the new recognizer to accomplish this?
I think you've overcomplicated this by trying to implement your own custom gesture recogniser.
The UIPanGestureRecognizer class has a minimumNumberOfTouches property which you should be able to set to 2 for your UIScrollView.
To do so just grab your views gesture recognisers...
Iterate over the array to find the pan gesture...
if ([gestureRecogniser isKindOfClass:[UIPanGestureRecognizer class]])
Cast your gestureRecogniser pointer to the more specific type...
UIPanGestureRecognizer *panGestureRecogniser = (UIPanGestureRecognizer *)gestureRecogniser;
And finally set its minimumNumberOfTouches property...
panGestureRecogniser.minimumNumberOfTouches = 2;
The only other thing you may have to do is enabled multitouch for your view - UIView has a multipleTouchEnabled property that should be set to true.
In Swift, You can just write
myScrollView.panGestureRecognizer.minimumNumberOfTouches = 2