Help with window.history.pushState

我只是一个虾纸丫 提交于 2019-12-12 14:20:00


I need help with syntax.

My site loads blog posts within the #board div using AJAX and I close it by clicking #close. When I load a post the url becomes like this!/anne-au-cherry and I would like to come back to when I close the post. The following gives me

$("#close").live("click", function(event) {
    window.location.hash = "#/";
    return false;

1) Can someone help please ?

2) What if the browser doesn't support html5 ?

Many thanks for your time and help.

UPDATE: THIS WORKS, there was a typo in my 'site_url' variable.


PushState is not operation over the hash. If you want it to be < html5 compatible you need to use hash.

pushState is changing the url without changing page:

If you see the history as an array, history = [];

You open your browser's empty frontpage and go to page1.html

now history is = ['page1.html'].

If you fires pushState from page1.html with the url page2.html the history is now ['page1.html','page2.html'] and the address bar shows page2.html.

If the browser dosn't support pushState it does nothing. So for your example:

$("#close").live("click", function(event) {
    window.history.pushState(null, null, site_url+"/");
    return false;

And when you load your ajax:

window.history.pushState(null,null,site_url + "/" + ajax_url);

If you want to operate with hash you can do something like this:

$("#close").live("click", function(event) {
    window.location.href = "#/"
    return false;

And when you load your ajax:

window.location.href = "#/" + ajax_url

If you are using pushState be aware of the urls can end op pointing in subfolders you dont have and therefore you need some kind of .htaccess rewrite code

