I have been searching google but no result :(. i have a HTML table like below
I want to add thead, tbody and tfoot like below using "Html Agility Pack"
can someone guide me on how to use html agility pack to modify the existing html table and add more tags.
Thanks in advance.
The Html Agility Pack constructs a Read/Write DOM, so you can rebuild it the way you want. Here is a sample code that seems to work:
HtmlDocument doc = new HtmlDocument();
// get the first TR
CloneAsParentNode(doc.DocumentNode.SelectNodes("table/tr[1]"), "thead");
// get all remaining TRs but the last
CloneAsParentNode(doc.DocumentNode.SelectNodes("table/tr[position()<last()]"), "tbody");
// get the first TR (it's also the last, since it's the only one at that level)
CloneAsParentNode(doc.DocumentNode.SelectNodes("table/tr[1]"), "tfoot");
static HtmlNode CloneAsParentNode(HtmlNodeCollection nodes, string name)
HtmlNode parent = nodes[0].ParentNode;
// create a new parent with the given name
HtmlNode newParent = nodes[0].OwnerDocument.CreateElement(name);
// insert before the first node in the selection
parent.InsertBefore(newParent, nodes[0]);
// clone all sub nodes
foreach (HtmlNode node in nodes)
HtmlNode clone = node.CloneNode(true);
// remove all sub nodes
foreach (HtmlNode node in nodes)
return newParent;