I have two cameras in one scene and one viewport and one renderer. I toggle (using html buttons) between cameras.
Problem 1
For camera1 there is no response from moving the mouse. When I toggle to camera2 the orbit control works fine. Toggling back to camera1 there is still no response from moving the mouse.
jsfiddle v1 Original (no response from camera1) jsfiddle.net/steveow/xu0k1z75/
UPDATE: Problem 1, Fixed by Stallion - avoid setting camera position to (0,0,0).
Problem 2
For camera1 there remains a problem that Pan and Dolly are very slow, at least initially. They may speed up later (after panning & dollying with camera2) but are then very fast.
jsfiddle: v2 camera1 Pan & Dolly is very slow, at least initially, maybe excessive later. http://jsfiddle.net/steveow/uk94hxrp/
UPDATE: Pan & Dolly "slowness" is because camera is very close to the OrbitControls.target position (which defaults to (0,0,0)). So if I choose a different .target position the "slowness" can be avoided.
I am currently creating a new THREE.OrbitControls object whenever I switch cameras. But previously I have tried creating two persistent THREE.OrbitControls objects during initialisation and then assigning a general variable called "controls" to whichever one is supposed to be active. I have tried setting the orbitControls to an html div "container" rather than the renderer.domElement. I have tried including controls.update() in the animation loop.
I did have it working with either camera some time ago but I cannot get back to that.
I have looked at the OrbitControls code but am none-the-wiser.
CODE (as for original Problem, Problem 1 but since modified slightly.).
Here is the camera initiation code:-
//... camera1
camera1Fov = 75;
camera1Far = 1200;
camera1 = new THREE.PerspectiveCamera( camera1Fov, window.innerWidth / window.innerHeight, 1, camera1Far );
//camera1.position.z = camera1Far;
camera1.name = "Camera_1";
var sGeo = new THREE.SphereGeometry( 40,8,8);
var sMaterial = new THREE.MeshPhongMaterial( { color: 0xff00ff } );
Cam1Target = new THREE.Mesh(sGeo, sMaterial);
controls1 = new THREE.OrbitControls(camera1, renderer.domElement);
controls = controls1;//... initially.
camera1.lookAt( Cam1Target );
RenderCamera = camera1;
camera1_Helper = new THREE.CameraHelper( camera1 );
scene.add (camera1_Helper);
// camera2
camera2 = new THREE.PerspectiveCamera( cameraFOV, window.innerWidth / window.innerHeight, 1, 20000 );
c2PosX = 5500;
c2PosY = 3500;
c2PosZ = -10000;
camera2.position.set( c2PosX, c2PosY, c2PosZ );
camera2.name = "Camera_2";
//controls2 = new THREE.OrbitControls(camera2, renderer.domElement);
Here is the animation and camera switching and camera resetting code:-
function F_frame()
//... Render
af = requestAnimationFrame(F_frame);
renderer.render(scene, RenderCamera);
}//... EOF Frame().
function F_Switch_Camera()
var SelectedCameraString = document.getElementById('myTextField').value;
if (SelectedCameraString == "camera1")
SelectedCameraString = "camera2";
RenderCamera = camera2;
controls = new THREE.OrbitControls(camera2, container);//renderer.domElement);
//controls.object = camera2;
//controls = controls2;
} else {
SelectedCameraString = "camera1";
RenderCamera = camera1;
controls = new THREE.OrbitControls(camera1, container);//renderer.domElement);
//controls.object = camera1;
//controls = controls1;
document.getElementById('myTextField').value = SelectedCameraString;
function F_Reset_Camera1()
camera1.lookAt ( Cam1Target );
function F_Reset_Camera2()
camera2.position.set( c2PosX, c2PosY, c2PosZ );
camera2.lookAt ( camera1 );
Many thanks to user Stallion for the simple fix - don't set camera world position to (0,0,0) use (0,0,1) instead.
There is quick fix:
set camera1 position to
check the fiddle http://jsfiddle.net/Stallion33/sgcfu4tt/