I've created a xarray.DataArray
and I save it using xarray.DataArray.to_netcdf
I create it using:
datatmp = np.full([nens, len(modanom.coords['time'].values), len(modanom.coords['latitude'].values), len(modanom.coords['longitude'].values)], np.nan)
b = xr.DataArray(datatmp, coords=[range(1,nens + 1), modanom.coords['time'], modanom.coords['latitude'], modanom.coords['longitude']], dims=['ensemble', 'time', 'latitude', 'longitude'])
i.e. I don't specify a name such as:
b = xr.DataArray({'windspeed': (('ensemble', 'time', 'latitude', 'longitude'), datatmp)}, coords=[range(1,nens + 1), modanom.coords['time'], modanom.coords['latitude'], modanom.coords['longitude']], dims=['ensemble', 'time', 'latitude', 'longitude'])
I do some manipulation of this file and obtain root mean square error and the resultant xarray.Dataset
<xarray.DataArray (latitude: 81, longitude: 131, time: 1)>
array([[[ nan],
[ nan],
[ nan],
[ nan]],
[[ nan],
[ nan],
[ nan],
[ nan]],
[[ nan],
[ 0.843295],
[ 0.794338],
[ nan]],
[[ nan],
[ nan],
[ nan],
[ nan]]])
* latitude (latitude) float64 0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 ...
* longitude (longitude) float64 260.0 261.0 262.0 263.0 264.0 265.0 266.0 ..
* time (time) datetime64[ns] 1983-01-15T12:00:00
When reading in the netCDF file I have a xarray.Dataset
which looks like:
Dimensions: (latitude: 81, longitude: 131, time: 1)
* latitude (latitude) float64 0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 ...
* longitude (longitude) float64 260.0 261.0 262.0 ...
* time (time) datetime64[ns] 1983-01-15T12:00:00
Data variables:
__xarray_dataarray_variable__ (latitude, longitude, time) float64 nan ...
_NCProperties: version=1|netcdflibversion=4.4.1|hdf5libversion=1.8.18
Can I rename the __xarray_dataarray_variable__
The reason I ask is because as I have functions which create xarray.Dataset
's and therefore I don't specify a data variable name. However, I would like to rename it before plotting.
This file looks like one created by DataArray.to_netcdf()
on an unnamed DataArray. A simple way to fix this is to set a name on the DataArray before calling to_netcdf()
Otherwise, if you're happy getting an unnamed DataArray back, try loading it with xarray.open_dataarray()
is what I was looking for
Another possibility for the Dataset ds is:
ds['new_var_name'] = ds['__xarray_dataarray_variable__']
ds = ds.drop(['__xarray_dataarray_variable__'])