I'm playing a bit with an Akka cluster and I had a setup with 2 nodes. As expected, the two nodes chat each other to say that they are alive through the heartbeat. So every second I have a string like this in my log
[debug] 15:42:10.683-a.c.ClusterHeartbeatSender: Cluster Node
[akka.tcp://application@] -
Heartbeat to [akka.tcp://application@]
However I wouldn't like to see this diagnostic, since it hides my debug information and I'm quite sure that the cluster works since is made up of two JVMs on my machine. I tried to change the configuration with
akka.cluster.log-info = off
but it does not seem to work for this case. How can hide this info from logs?
I solved using this other question about changing log level for a specific class or package. I leave question and answer for future reader looking for quick solution. In my case I added this row
<logger name="akka.cluster.ClusterHeartbeatSender" level="OFF"/>
to root of logger.xml