Creating SCORM content on the fly

我与影子孤独终老i 提交于 2019-12-11 18:09:27


I wish to create SCORM packages on the fly i.e. programmatically in ASP.NET so as to run em in some SCORM compliant player on my web, dynamically. I am new to SCORM and have googled about it. What EXACTLY should be inside the SCORM package? I know i'll have to zip the files Im thinking about using System.IO.Packaging namespace classes or maybe someother external library for zipping files. What exactly should inside be in the SCORM package so as to make it SCORM 2.0 complaint and run it in some SCORM player?

Please help.. Thanks


You need at a minimum 2 things to create a SCORM package: - A file called imsmanifest.xml that contains the description of the package. This should conform to the SCORM CAM specifications. However, if you only intend to create and run this SCO package dynamically n your player, it may be possible to skip this. - A JavaScript API that discovers your SCORM player and calls its functions, LMSInitialize, LMSCommit and LMSFinish at least.

Keep in mind that there is currently no SCORM 2.0. There's only 1.2 and 2004 versions. I strongly suggest that you start with SCORM 1.2 which is simpler and widespread.


SCORM packages should be self-contained and able to be run just be placing them on the file system of the web server of the LMS. Most LMS's will not allow you to include server side code because it represents a security vulnerability.

If your content needs server-side code, you will need to host it on your own servers, but you will quickly run into the cross domain scripting problem which prevents content in one domain from communicating via JavaScript with an LMS in a different domain.

There are many other specifics of what needs to go into a SCORM package. The best place to start learning about them is to go read SCORM Explained and go through the Technical SCORM track.

