Parse-Server Cloud-Code and Stripe

旧巷老猫 提交于 2019-12-11 13:47:22


I'm running a Parse-Server instance for a mobile web-app on Heroku. My problem is Stripe checkout plugin is working fine in my html page, but when the token is created and I call my Cloud Code it seems as if creating the variable initializing stripe does nothing. This is my cloud code.

var stripe = require('stripe')('sk_test_******');
Parse.Cloud.define("pay", function(req, res){
    var token = req.params.token;
    var amount = req.params.amount;
    var email =;
    // stripe is null

Upon calling this, the value of stripe is null and I cannot figure out why. I have added stripe: '~4.7.0' in my package.json file and have run npm install to locally create all node modules. I don't know if it makes a difference but in my index.js file I have created a router

app.use('/', express.static(path.join(__dirname, '/public')));

because it's easier to access files in the public directory this way. Otherwise I would have to reference files in my public directory with /public/filename everytime I wanted to include that file. Any help would be much appreciated.


i had issues with this today

I did it by trial and error, here is what i remember <- thats where i got the cloud code from

  1. in the root directory of your parse-server through command prompt i executed the following - npm install stripe
  2. then i added the stripe dependancy to package.json (this stack overflow post was the missing key) "stripe": "~4.9.0",
  3. the cloud code is as follows

Parse.Cloud.define("charge", function(request, response) {

var stripe = require('stripe')('sk_test_****');

  email: theEmailAddress
}).then(function(customer) {
  return stripe.charges.create({
    amount: yourAmount, 
    currency: yourCurrency,
    card: yourToken,
    description: yourDescription
}).then(function(charge) {
  // New charge created on a new customer 
}).catch(function(err) {
  // Deal with an error 


  1. use that cloud code through your app and see if it works in your stripe dashboard (you must check in the dashboard)

so the two 'breakthroughs' came when i added stripe as a dependancy in package.json and also can you see that var stripe = require is inside the the cloud code function

see the following post where the answer was originally posted

Require modul not working when I migrate from parse to heroku


I gave up trying to run this charge in Cloud Code. Instead I created a route '/charge' in my index.js file and called it using a jQuery post. Here is my code in index.js

var stripe = require('stripe')('sk_test_****');
var bodyParser = require('body-parser');
    extended: false
}));'/charge', function(req, res){
    var token = req.body.token;
    var amount = req.body.amount;
        amount: amount,
        currency: 'usd',
        source: token,
    }, function(err, charge){
            // Error check
            res.send('Payment successful!');

Here is my jQuery request

var handler = StripeCheckout.configure({
    key: 'pk_test_****',
    locale: 'auto',
    token: function(token){
        $.post('/charge', {
            amount: total,
        }, function(data, status){

