I would like to extend geode with custom binary data (serialization). Is there any documentation about how to kickoff a minimal setup/system using geode? I saw a docker image but didn't find any docs on this.
It would be more than enough for me to have a c++ client which can push and query the stored (~30 GB of) data by a key.
Thank you very much for your help!
Checkout... https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/GEODE/Index#Index-Geodein5minutes
There is more information on the Geode Wiki as well that maybe of use to you.
This maybe of particular interests to you...
Hope this helps get you started.
The C++ and C# clients are currently not part of Apache Geode, just Pivotal GemFire.
You will find information about Geode and Docker here, here and here.
There may not be actual documentation for C++, but you can use the REST client to communication with GemFire as well. Documentation is here and here.