Establish a connection using Kerberos Authentication

旧巷老猫 提交于 2019-12-11 08:39:11


I'm trying to establish a connection using kerberos authentication. I think the question I have does not depend on the type of server (in my case it's a cognos tm1 server) nor the language (in my case R with use of the package httr (or RCurl)) since it's more a general http(s) thing.

I do not have much experience using kerberos. According to my understanding there is some negotiation between the client and server following the following steps (here get-requests). The only thin I need to pass is a username, no password is needed.

  1. get(url) -> returning a "WWW-Authenticate: Kerberos" header telling this authmethod is supported.
  2. get(url, header = Authentification: "Negotiate" + token) --> second request, this time with header information "Negotiate" plus token
  3. Server returns some authentification details.
  4. Received details can be sent in the header again and the requested data is sent back

httr (type = gssnegotiate) or curl (4 = CURLAUTH_NEGOTIATE) allow to enter negotiation types. I thought, this should do the negotiation process described above and return the requested data straight ahead. This does not seem to be the case:

httr::set_config(config( ssl_verifypeer = 0L))
httr::set_config(config( ssl_verifyhost = 0L))
GET(url, authenticate(user = "user", password = "", type = "gssnegotiate"), verbose = TRUE)

does not return the desired result. The log says:

-> GET /api/v1/Dimensions('Time')/Hierarchies('Time')/Subsets('Yesterday')/Elements HTTP/1.1
-> Host:
-> User-Agent: libcurl/7.47.1 r-curl/1.2 httr/1.2.1
-> Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate
-> Cookie: TM1SessionId=tbQcdXh4PsIHUQdkW_UyNQ
-> Accept: application/json, text/xml, application/xml, */*
<- HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized
<- Content-Type: text/plain
<- Content-Length: 0
<- Connection: keep-alive
<- OData-Version: 4.0
<- WWW-Authenticate: Kerberos
*  Connection #0 to host left intact

I tried the same using (R)curl

getURL(url, user = "username", userpwd="", httpauth = 4, verbose = TRUE, ssl.verifypeer = FALSE, ssl.verifyhost = FALSE)

Unfortunately, this wasn't successful as well:

< HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized
< Content-Type: text/plain
< Content-Length: 0
< Connection: keep-alive
< OData-Version: 4.0
< Set-Cookie: TM1SessionId=WMSrJHGTps0RIbmjCCaW5w; Path=/api/; HttpOnly; Secure
< WWW-Authenticate: Kerberos

Do you have any hints how I could get the desired data? I was also thinking about implementing the steps described above manually. By I'm stuck in step 2, because I do not have a token to send in the negotiation header (and do also not know where to get it from).


This won't work because the server requires WWW-Authenticate: Kerberos, but curl only talks SPNEGO. Modify your server to request WWW-Authenticate: Negotiate and it will work.

Note: no major browser supports pure Kerberos over HTTP, so don't expect any other library to do so.


On Windows, you can use

GET(url, authenticate(user=":", password="", type="gssnegotiate"), verbose = TRUE)

Or if no proxy is required for an internal website, state no proxy explictly as follows:

GET(url, use_proxy(""), authenticate(user=":", password="", type="gssnegotiate"), verbose = TRUE)

